Schema | Function | Returns | Arguments | Owner | Language | Description |
record |
geom public.geometry, out is_null boolean, out is_valid boolean, out nb_geom integer, out nb_ring integer, out nb_points integer, out nb_geom_invalide integer, out diffsurface double precision, out nb_ring_intersect integer, out nb_ring_not_closed integer, out nb_ring_fermeture_simple integer, out nb_ring_intersect_after_fermeture_ok integer, out nb_ring_intersect_after_fermeture_douteux integer, out nb_ring_not_closed_erreur integer, out nb_geom_apres_correction integer, out nb_ring_apres_correction integer, out nb_points_apres_correction integer |
albenard |
Cette fonction analyse l'objet géométrique passé en paramètre et retourne un ensemble d'indicateurs sur la situation qualitative de cet objet :
record |
nom_table_concernee varchar, nom_cle_table varchar, nom_autre_champ varchar, nom_champ_geom varchar, out cle varchar, out autre_champ varchar, out is_null boolean, out is_valid boolean, out nb_geom integer, out nb_ring integer, out nb_points integer, out nb_geom_invalide integer, out diffsurface double precision, out nb_ring_intersect integer, out nb_ring_not_closed integer, out nb_ring_fermeture_simple integer, out nb_ring_intersect_after_fermeture_ok integer, out nb_ring_intersect_after_fermeture_douteux integer, out nb_ring_not_closed_erreur integer, out nb_geom_apres_correction integer, out nb_ring_apres_correction integer, out nb_points_apres_correction integer |
albenard |
Cette fonction effectue un listing sur la qualité d'un objet géométrique au sein d'une table complète passée comme premier paramètre.
record |
nom_table_concernee varchar, nom_cle_table varchar, nom_champ_geom varchar, out libelle_sortie varchar, out nb_sortie integer |
albenard |
Cette fonction effectue un comptage sur la qualité de l'objet géométrique d'une table.
boolean |
annee_traitement integer = 2005, tailleoffset integer = 2000 |
albenard |
Cette fonction calcule la distance à certains éléments (route, bati ...) et met à jour les champs de la table t_positionnement_pos dédiés au stockage de cette information. |
integer |
bad_ring public.geometry |
albenard |
Cette fonction prend comme argument un objet géométrique normalement de type ST_LineString. Le cas d'usage le plus courant
public.agg_count |
agg public.agg_count, rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 1 |
postgres |
boolean |
ovschema name, ovtable name, ovcolumn name, refschema name, reftable name, refcolumn name, factor integer |
postgres |
boolean |
cn name, sql text |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, axis text |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, axis char |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
boolean |
ovschema name, ovtable name, ovcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, cn name |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, axis text |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, axis char |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
ov public.raster, factor integer, refschema name, reftable name, refcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
record |
ovschema name, ovtable name, ovcolumn name, out refschema name, out reftable name, out refcolumn name, out factor integer |
postgres |
sql |
void |
oldname text, newname text, version text |
postgres |
double precision |
pg_catalog.regclass, text, pg_catalog.regclass, text, text = '2'::text |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
tbl pg_catalog.regclass, att_name text, geom public.geometry, mode text = '2'::text |
postgres |
c |
text |
tbl pg_catalog.regclass, att_name text, text = '2'::text |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, axis text |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
double precision [] |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean [] |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
text [] |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
double precision |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, axis char |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
numeric [] |
rast public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean [] |
rast public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
text [] |
rast public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
text |
integer, public.geography, integer, integer |
postgres |
c |
text |
integer, public.geometry, integer, integer |
postgres |
sql |
text |
integer, public.geography, integer, integer, text, text |
postgres |
c |
text |
integer, public.geometry, integer, integer, text, text |
postgres |
c |
text |
integer, public.geography, integer, text |
postgres |
c |
text |
integer, public.geometry, integer, text |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
public.raster |
geom public.geometry, scalex double precision = 0, scaley double precision = 0, width integer = 0, height integer = 0, pixeltype text [] = ARRAY['8BUI'::text], value double precision [] = ARRAY[1::double precision], nodataval double precision [] = ARRAY[0::double precision], upperleftx double precision = NULL::double precision, upperlefty double precision = NULL::double precision, gridx double precision = NULL::double precision, gridy double precision = NULL::double precision, skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, touched boolean = false |
postgres |
c |
text |
integer, public.geometry, integer, integer, text |
postgres |
c |
integer |
public.geography |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, pg_catalog.cstring |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer [], geom public.geometry, nodataval double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], crop boolean = true |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, colormap text, method text = 'INTERPOLATE'::text |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
param_inputgeom public.geometry |
postgres |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
c |
double precision [] |
value double precision [] |
postgres |
bigint |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 1 |
postgres |
bigint |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 1 |
postgres |
bigint |
agg public.agg_count |
postgres |
public.agg_count |
agg public.agg_count, rast public.raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean |
postgres |
public.agg_count |
agg public.agg_count, rast public.raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean |
postgres |
public.agg_count |
agg public.agg_count, rast public.raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision |
postgres |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer, distance double precision |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
public.geography, public.geography, double precision, boolean |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
public.geography, public.geography, double precision, boolean |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
public.geography, public.geography, boolean |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
public.geography, public.geography, double precision, boolean |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry_dump |
the_geom public.geometry, cur_path integer [] |
postgres |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography, double precision, boolean |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer, distance double precision |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography, double precision, boolean |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.geography |
public.geography, double precision |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125, srid integer = NULL::integer, scalex double precision = 0, scaley double precision = 0, gridx double precision = NULL::double precision, gridy double precision = NULL::double precision, skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, width integer = NULL::integer, height integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 1, bins integer = 0, width double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], right boolean = false, min double precision = NULL::double precision, max double precision = NULL::double precision, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
c |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 1, bins integer = 0, width double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], right boolean = false, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom public.geometry, rast public.raster, nband integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
c |
integer |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rastbandargset public.rastbandarg [], callbackfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, pixeltype text = NULL::text, distancex integer = 0, distancey integer = 0, extenttype text = 'INTERSECTION'::text, customextent public.raster = NULL::raster, mask double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], weighted boolean = NULL::boolean, variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rastbandargset public.rastbandarg [], expression text, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'INTERSECTION'::text, nodata1expr text = NULL::text, nodata2expr text = NULL::text, nodatanodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
double precision [] |
rast public.raster, band integer, columnx integer, rowy integer, distancex integer, distancey integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geometrya public.geometry, geometryb public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
c |
record |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1, columnx integer = NULL::integer, rowy integer = NULL::integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, out geom public.geometry, out val double precision, out x integer, out y integer |
postgres |
c |
public.geography |
public.geography |
postgres |
c |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 1, quantiles double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
c |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 1, quantiles double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
c |
record |
rast public.raster, columnx integer = NULL::integer, rowy integer = NULL::integer, out longitude double precision, out latitude double precision |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, variadic reclassargset public.reclassarg [] |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
boolean |
agg public.agg_samealignment |
postgres |
sql |
public.agg_samealignment |
agg public.agg_samealignment, rast public.raster |
postgres |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, x integer, y integer, newvalueset double precision [], noset boolean [] = NULL::boolean[], hasnosetvalue boolean = false, nosetvalue double precision = NULL::double precision, keepnodata boolean = false |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
public.summarystats |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 1 |
postgres |
c |
public.summarystats |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 1 |
postgres |
public.summarystats |
pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, public.raster, boolean, double precision |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, public.raster, integer, boolean |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, public.raster, integer, boolean, double precision |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, width integer, height integer, nband integer [] = NULL::integer[], padwithnodata boolean = false, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
public.raster |
pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, public.raster |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, public.raster, integer |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, public.raster, integer, text |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, public.raster, public.unionarg [] |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, public.raster, text |
postgres |
c |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, searchvalues double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out count integer, out percent double precision |
postgres |
c |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, searchvalues double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out count integer, out percent double precision |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, longitude double precision = NULL::double precision, latitude double precision = NULL::double precision, out columnx integer, out rowy integer |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
schema_name name, table_name name, column_name name, new_srid integer |
postgres |
boolean |
text |
postgres |
args: auth_token - Add an authorization token to be used in current transaction. |
text |
catalog_name varchar, schema_name varchar, table_name varchar, column_name varchar, new_srid_in integer, new_type varchar, new_dim integer, use_typmod boolean = true |
postgres |
args: catalog_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name, srid, type, dimension, use_typmod=true - Adds a geometry column to an existing table of attributes. By default uses type modifier to define rather than constraints. Pass in false for use_typmod to get old check constraint based behavior |
text |
schema_name varchar, table_name varchar, column_name varchar, new_srid integer, new_type varchar, new_dim integer, use_typmod boolean = true |
postgres |
args: schema_name, table_name, column_name, srid, type, dimension, use_typmod=true - Adds a geometry column to an existing table of attributes. By default uses type modifier to define rather than constraints. Pass in false for use_typmod to get old check constraint based behavior |
text |
table_name varchar, column_name varchar, new_srid integer, new_type varchar, new_dim integer, use_typmod boolean = true |
postgres |
args: table_name, column_name, srid, type, dimension, use_typmod=true - Adds a geometry column to an existing table of attributes. By default uses type modifier to define rather than constraints. Pass in false for use_typmod to get old check constraint based behavior |
boolean |
ovschema name, ovtable name, ovcolumn name, refschema name, reftable name, refcolumn name, ovfactor integer |
postgres |
args: ovschema, ovtable, ovcolumn, refschema, reftable, refcolumn, ovfactor - Tag a raster column as being an overview of another. |
boolean |
ovtable name, ovcolumn name, reftable name, refcolumn name, ovfactor integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: ovtable, ovcolumn, reftable, refcolumn, ovfactor - Tag a raster column as being an overview of another. |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, srid boolean = true, scale_x boolean = true, scale_y boolean = true, blocksize_x boolean = true, blocksize_y boolean = true, same_alignment boolean = true, regular_blocking boolean = false, num_bands boolean = true, pixel_types boolean = true, nodata_values boolean = true, out_db boolean = true, extent boolean = true |
postgres |
args: rastschema, rasttable, rastcolumn, srid=true, scale_x=true, scale_y=true, blocksize_x=true, blocksize_y=true, same_alignment=true, regular_blocking=false, num_bands=true, pixel_types=true, nodata_values=true, out_db=true, extent=true - Adds raster constraints to a loaded raster table for a specific column that constrains spatial ref, scaling, blocksize, alignment, bands, band type and a flag to denote if raster column is regularly blocked. The table must be loaded with data for the constraints to be inferred. Returns true of the constraint setting was accomplished and if issues a notice. |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, variadic constraints text [] |
postgres |
args: rastschema, rasttable, rastcolumn, VARIADIC constraints - Adds raster constraints to a loaded raster table for a specific column that constrains spatial ref, scaling, blocksize, alignment, bands, band type and a flag to denote if raster column is regularly blocked. The table must be loaded with data for the constraints to be inferred. Returns true of the constraint setting was accomplished and if issues a notice. |
boolean |
rasttable name, rastcolumn name, srid boolean = true, scale_x boolean = true, scale_y boolean = true, blocksize_x boolean = true, blocksize_y boolean = true, same_alignment boolean = true, regular_blocking boolean = false, num_bands boolean = true, pixel_types boolean = true, nodata_values boolean = true, out_db boolean = true, extent boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rasttable, rastcolumn, srid, scale_x, scale_y, blocksize_x, blocksize_y, same_alignment, regular_blocking, num_bands=true, pixel_types=true, nodata_values=true, out_db=true, extent=true - Adds raster constraints to a loaded raster table for a specific column that constrains spatial ref, scaling, blocksize, alignment, bands, band type and a flag to denote if raster column is regularly blocked. The table must be loaded with data for the constraints to be inferred. Returns true of the constraint setting was accomplished and if issues a notice. |
boolean |
rasttable name, rastcolumn name, variadic constraints text [] |
postgres |
sql |
args: rasttable, rastcolumn, VARIADIC constraints - Adds raster constraints to a loaded raster table for a specific column that constrains spatial ref, scaling, blocksize, alignment, bands, band type and a flag to denote if raster column is regularly blocked. The table must be loaded with data for the constraints to be inferred. Returns true of the constraint setting was accomplished and if issues a notice. |
public.box2df |
pg_catalog.cstring |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.cstring |
public.box2df |
postgres |
c |
public.box3d |
public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
bytea |
public.geography |
postgres |
c |
bytea |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
integer |
text, text |
postgres |
sql |
args: a_table_name, a_key_column_name - Creates trigger on a table to prevent/allow updates and deletes of rows based on authorization token. |
integer |
text, text, text |
postgres |
args: a_schema_name, a_table_name, a_key_column_name - Creates trigger on a table to prevent/allow updates and deletes of rows based on authorization token. |
trigger |
postgres |
c |
text |
postgres |
Disable long transaction support. This function removes the long transaction support metadata tables, and drops all triggers attached to lock-checked tables. |
text |
catalog_name varchar, schema_name varchar, table_name varchar, column_name varchar |
postgres |
args: catalog_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name - Removes a geometry column from a spatial table. |
text |
schema_name varchar, table_name varchar, column_name varchar |
postgres |
args: schema_name, table_name, column_name - Removes a geometry column from a spatial table. |
text |
table_name varchar, column_name varchar |
postgres |
args: table_name, column_name - Removes a geometry column from a spatial table. |
text |
catalog_name varchar, schema_name varchar, table_name varchar |
postgres |
args: catalog_name, schema_name, table_name - Drops a table and all its references in geometry_columns. |
text |
schema_name varchar, table_name varchar |
postgres |
sql |
args: schema_name, table_name - Drops a table and all its references in geometry_columns. |
text |
table_name varchar |
postgres |
sql |
args: table_name - Drops a table and all its references in geometry_columns. |
boolean |
ovschema name, ovtable name, ovcolumn name |
postgres |
args: ovschema, ovtable, ovcolumn - Untag a raster column from being an overview of another. |
boolean |
ovtable name, ovcolumn name |
postgres |
sql |
args: ovtable, ovcolumn - Untag a raster column from being an overview of another. |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, srid boolean = true, scale_x boolean = true, scale_y boolean = true, blocksize_x boolean = true, blocksize_y boolean = true, same_alignment boolean = true, regular_blocking boolean = true, num_bands boolean = true, pixel_types boolean = true, nodata_values boolean = true, out_db boolean = true, extent boolean = true |
postgres |
args: rastschema, rasttable, rastcolumn, srid=true, scale_x=true, scale_y=true, blocksize_x=true, blocksize_y=true, same_alignment=true, regular_blocking=false, num_bands=true, pixel_types=true, nodata_values=true, out_db=true, extent=true - Drops PostGIS raster constraints that refer to a raster table column. Useful if you need to reload data or update your raster column data. |
boolean |
rastschema name, rasttable name, rastcolumn name, variadic constraints text [] |
postgres |
args: rastschema, rasttable, rastcolumn, constraints - Drops PostGIS raster constraints that refer to a raster table column. Useful if you need to reload data or update your raster column data. |
boolean |
rasttable name, rastcolumn name, srid boolean = true, scale_x boolean = true, scale_y boolean = true, blocksize_x boolean = true, blocksize_y boolean = true, same_alignment boolean = true, regular_blocking boolean = true, num_bands boolean = true, pixel_types boolean = true, nodata_values boolean = true, out_db boolean = true, extent boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rasttable, rastcolumn, srid, scale_x, scale_y, blocksize_x, blocksize_y, same_alignment, regular_blocking, num_bands=true, pixel_types=true, nodata_values=true, out_db=true, extent=true - Drops PostGIS raster constraints that refer to a raster table column. Useful if you need to reload data or update your raster column data. |
boolean |
rasttable name, rastcolumn name, variadic constraints text [] |
postgres |
sql |
text |
postgres |
Enable long transaction support. This function creates the required metadata tables, needs to be called once before using the other functions in this section. Calling it twice is harmless. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.geography |
bytea |
postgres |
c |
public.geography |
public.geography, integer, boolean |
postgres |
c |
public.geography |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
integer |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
pg_catalog.internal, public.geography, integer |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
pg_catalog.internal, public.geography, integer |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, pg_catalog.internal, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
public.box2d, public.box2d, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
bytea, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
c |
public.geography |
pg_catalog.cstring, oid, integer |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.cstring |
public.geography |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
c |
public.geography |
pg_catalog.internal, oid, integer |
postgres |
c |
bytea |
public.geography |
postgres |
c |
integer |
pg_catalog.cstring [] |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.cstring |
integer |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
path |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
point |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
polygon |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.geography |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer, boolean |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
integer |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geometry, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
public.geometry, public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
public.geometry, public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
pg_catalog.internal, public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
pg_catalog.internal, public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
pg_catalog.internal, public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
pg_catalog.internal, public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, pg_catalog.internal, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, pg_catalog.internal, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
pg_catalog.internal, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
public.geometry, public.geometry, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
bytea, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.internal |
bytea, pg_catalog.internal |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geometry, public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geometry, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.geometry, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
integer |
pg_catalog.cstring [] |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.cstring |
integer |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
text |
public.geography |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.xid |
postgres |
c |
public.gidx |
pg_catalog.cstring |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.cstring |
public.gidx |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
pg_catalog.internal, oid, pg_catalog.internal, smallint |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
pg_catalog.internal, oid, pg_catalog.internal, smallint |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
pg_catalog.internal, oid, pg_catalog.internal, integer |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
pg_catalog.internal, oid, pg_catalog.internal, integer |
postgres |
c |
integer |
text, text, text |
postgres |
sql |
args: a_table_name, a_row_key, an_auth_token - Set lock/authorization for specific row in table |
integer |
text, text, text, text |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
text, text, text, text, timestamp |
postgres |
args: a_schema_name, a_table_name, a_row_key, an_auth_token, expire_dt - Set lock/authorization for specific row in table |
integer |
text, text, text, timestamp |
postgres |
sql |
args: a_table_name, a_row_key, an_auth_token, expire_dt - Set lock/authorization for specific row in table |
boolean |
postgres |
path |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.pgis_abs |
pg_catalog.cstring |
postgres |
c |
pg_catalog.cstring |
public.pgis_abs |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry [] |
public.pgis_abs |
postgres |
c |
public.pgis_abs |
public.pgis_abs, public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.pgis_abs |
public.pgis_abs, public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry [] |
public.pgis_abs |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry [] |
public.pgis_abs |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.pgis_abs |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.pgis_abs |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.pgis_abs |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.pgis_abs |
postgres |
c |
point |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
polygon |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
integer |
tbl_oid oid, use_typmod boolean = true |
postgres |
args: relation_oid, use_typmod=true - Ensures geometry columns are defined with type modifiers or have appropriate spatial constraints This ensures they will be registered correctly in geometry_columns view. By default will convert all geometry columns with no type modifier to ones with type modifiers. To get old behavior set use_typmod=false |
text |
use_typmod boolean = true |
postgres |
args: use_typmod=true - Ensures geometry columns are defined with type modifiers or have appropriate spatial constraints This ensures they will be registered correctly in geometry_columns view. By default will convert all geometry columns with no type modifier to ones with type modifiers. To get old behavior set use_typmod=false |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Add bounding box to the geometry. |
trigger |
postgres |
c |
integer |
geomschema text, geomtable text, geomcolumn text |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
geomschema text, geomtable text, geomcolumn text |
postgres |
sql |
varchar |
geomschema text, geomtable text, geomcolumn text |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Drop the bounding box cache from the geometry. |
text |
postgres |
c |
Reports the version of the GDAL library in use by PostGIS. |
public.box2d |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Returns TRUE if the bbox of this geometry is cached, FALSE otherwise. |
text |
postgres |
c |
text |
postgres |
c |
text |
postgres |
c |
Returns the version number of the libxml2 library. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
text |
postgres |
c |
Reports full raster library build date. |
text |
postgres |
c |
Reports full raster version and build configuration infos. |
text |
postgres |
sql |
text |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, text, text, integer |
postgres |
c |
varchar |
geomname varchar, coord_dimension integer, use_new_name boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
integer |
postgres |
c |
integer |
integer |
postgres |
c |
text |
integer |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
animal_officiel varchar, animal_synonyme varchar |
albenard |
Cette procédure stockée permet de remplacer un animal et ses données associées par un autre animal. |
integer |
annee_suivi integer, tolerance_nb_min integer = 4 |
postgres |
Fonction de positionnnement des indicateurs de suivi des campagnes de positionnement |
integer |
annee_suivi integer, nb_mini_camp10min integer = 45, nb_mini_camp1heure integer = 20 |
postgres |
Fonction de positionnnement final (après un premier passage) des indicateurs de suivi des campagnes de positionnement |
integer |
interval_param interval |
postgres |
Procédure qui retourne une valeur normalisée représentant un nombre de minutes pour l'intervalle passé en paramètre. |
boolean |
pheure time, ptolerance integer |
postgres |
Function renvoyant vrai si le paramètre pheure correspond à un suivi 1 heure (toutes les heures pleines de la journée) avec la précision de ptolerance (second paramètre) minute |
boolean |
pheure time, ptolerance integer |
postgres |
Function renvoyant vrai si le paramètre pheure correspond à un suivi 3 heures (0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21 heure) avec la précision de ptolerance (second paramètre) minute |
boolean |
pheure time, ptolerance integer |
postgres |
Function renvoyant vrai si le paramètre pheure correspond à un suivi 4 heures (0,4,8,12,16,20 heure) avec la précision de ptolerance (second paramètre) minute |
boolean |
pheure time, ptolerance integer |
postgres |
Function renvoyant vrai si le paramètre pheure correspond à un suivi 6 heures (0,6,12,18 heure) avec la précision de ptolerance (second paramètre) minute |
boolean |
animal_concerne varchar, campagne integer |
albenard |
Cette procédure stockée permet de supprimer les données de positionnement et/ou d'activité pour un animal pour une année de suivi définie. |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
public.raster |
postgres |
internal |
public.raster |
pg_catalog.cstring |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
pg_catalog.cstring |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.raster, public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2 - Returns the 3-dimensional point on g1 that is closest to g2. This is the first point of the 3D shortest line. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, g2, distance - Returns true if all of the 3D geometries are within the specified distance of one another. |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2 - For geometry type Returns the 3-dimensional cartesian minimum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, g2, distance_of_srid - For 3d (z) geometry type Returns true if two geometries 3d distance is within number of units. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, geomB - Returns TRUE if the Geometries "spatially intersect" in 3d - only for points, linestrings, polygons, polyhedral surface (area). With SFCGAL backend enabled also supports TINS |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_3dlinestring - Returns the 3-dimensional or 2-dimensional length of the geometry if it is a linestring or multi-linestring. |
double precision |
public.geometry, public.spheroid |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2 - Returns the 3-dimensional longest line between two geometries |
public.box3d |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: point3DLowLeftBottom, point3DUpRightTop - Creates a BOX3D defined by the given 3d point geometries. |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2 - For geometry type Returns the 3-dimensional cartesian maximum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units. |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Returns the 3-dimensional perimeter of the geometry, if it is a polygon or multi-polygon. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2 - Returns the 3-dimensional shortest line between two geometries |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, addbandargset public.addbandarg [] |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, addbandargset - Returns a raster with the new band(s) of given type added with given initial value in the given index location. If no index is specified, the band is added to the end. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, index integer, outdbfile text, outdbindex integer [], nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, index, outdbfile, outdbindex, nodataval=NULL - Returns a raster with the new band(s) of given type added with given initial value in the given index location. If no index is specified, the band is added to the end. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, index integer, pixeltype text, initialvalue double precision = '0'::numeric, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, index, pixeltype, initialvalue=0, nodataval=NULL - Returns a raster with the new band(s) of given type added with given initial value in the given index location. If no index is specified, the band is added to the end. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, outdbfile text, outdbindex integer [], index integer = NULL::integer, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, outdbfile, outdbindex, index=at_end, nodataval=NULL - Returns a raster with the new band(s) of given type added with given initial value in the given index location. If no index is specified, the band is added to the end. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, pixeltype text, initialvalue double precision = '0'::numeric, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, pixeltype, initialvalue=0, nodataval=NULL - Returns a raster with the new band(s) of given type added with given initial value in the given index location. If no index is specified, the band is added to the end. |
public.raster |
torast public.raster, fromrast public.raster, fromband integer = 1, torastindex integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
c |
args: torast, fromrast, fromband=1, torastindex=at_end - Returns a raster with the new band(s) of given type added with given initial value in the given index location. If no index is specified, the band is added to the end. |
public.raster |
torast public.raster, fromrasts public.raster [], fromband integer = 1, torastindex integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
c |
args: torast, fromrasts, fromband=1, torastindex=at_end - Returns a raster with the new band(s) of given type added with given initial value in the given index location. If no index is specified, the band is added to the end. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: geom_mline, measure_start, measure_end - Return a derived geometry with measure elements linearly interpolated between the start and end points. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: linestring, point - Adds a point to a LineString before point |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: linestring, point, position - Adds a point to a LineString before point |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, a, b, d, e, xoff, yoff - Applies a 3d affine transformation to the geometry to do things like translate, rotate, scale in one step. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, xoff, yoff, zoff - Applies a 3d affine transformation to the geometry to do things like translate, rotate, scale in one step. |
bigint |
rast public.raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision = 0.1 |
postgres |
sql |
bigint |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 0.1 |
postgres |
sql |
bigint |
rast public.raster, nband integer, sample_percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
bigint |
rast public.raster, sample_percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
bigint |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision = 0.1 |
postgres |
sql |
bigint |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 0.1 |
postgres |
sql |
bigint |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, sample_percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
bigint |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision, bins integer, right boolean, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 0.1, bins integer = 0, width double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], right boolean = false, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, sample_percent double precision, bins integer, right boolean, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, sample_percent double precision, bins integer, width double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], right boolean = false, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, sample_percent double precision, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, sample_percent double precision, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision, bins integer, right boolean, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 0.1, bins integer = 0, width double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], right boolean = false, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, sample_percent double precision, bins integer, right boolean, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, sample_percent double precision, bins integer, width double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], right boolean = false, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, sample_percent double precision, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rast public.raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, quantile double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rast public.raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 0.1, quantiles double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rast public.raster, nband integer, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, sample_percent double precision, quantiles double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rast public.raster, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, quantiles double precision [], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rast public.raster, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, sample_percent double precision, quantiles double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean, quantile double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 0.1, quantiles double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, sample_percent double precision, quantiles double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, quantiles double precision [], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision, quantiles double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.summarystats |
rast public.raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, sample_percent double precision = 0.1 |
postgres |
sql |
public.summarystats |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 0.1 |
postgres |
sql |
public.summarystats |
rast public.raster, nband integer, sample_percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.summarystats |
rast public.raster, sample_percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.summarystats |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean |
postgres |
sql |
public.summarystats |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, sample_percent double precision = 0.1 |
postgres |
sql |
public.summarystats |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, sample_percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.summarystats |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, sample_percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
geog public.geography, use_spheroid boolean = true |
postgres |
c |
args: geog, use_spheroid=true - Returns the area of the surface if it is a Polygon or MultiPolygon. For geometry, a 2D Cartesian area is determined with units specified by the SRID. For geography, area is determined on a curved surface with units in square meters. |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Returns the area of the surface if it is a Polygon or MultiPolygon. For geometry, a 2D Cartesian area is determined with units specified by the SRID. For geography, area is determined on a curved surface with units in square meters. |
double precision |
text |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
bytea |
public.geography |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the geometry/geography without SRID meta data. |
bytea |
public.geography, text |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, NDR_or_XDR - Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the geometry/geography without SRID meta data. |
bytea |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the geometry/geography without SRID meta data. |
bytea |
public.geometry, text |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, NDR_or_XDR - Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the geometry/geography without SRID meta data. |
bytea |
public.raster, outasin boolean = false |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, outasin=FALSE - Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the raster without SRID meta data. |
text |
geom public.geometry, integer = 5 |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, precision=5 - Returns an Encoded Polyline from a LineString geometry. |
bytea |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data. |
bytea |
public.geometry, text |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, NDR_or_XDR - Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data. |
text |
public.geography |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Return the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data. |
text |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Return the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data. |
text |
text |
postgres |
sql |
bytea |
rast public.raster, format text, options text [] = NULL::text[], srid integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, format, options=NULL, srid=sameassource - Return the raster tile in the designated GDAL Raster format. Raster formats are one of those supported by your compiled library. Use ST_GDALRasters() to get a list of formats supported by your library. |
text |
geog public.geography, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15, options integer = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: geog, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0 - Return the geometry as a GeoJSON element. |
text |
geom public.geometry, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15, options integer = 0 |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0 - Return the geometry as a GeoJSON element. |
text |
gj_version integer, geog public.geography, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15, options integer = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: gj_version, geog, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0 - Return the geometry as a GeoJSON element. |
text |
gj_version integer, geom public.geometry, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15, options integer = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: gj_version, geom, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0 - Return the geometry as a GeoJSON element. |
text |
text |
postgres |
sql |
text |
geog public.geography, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15, options integer = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: geog, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0 - Return the geometry as a GML version 2 or 3 element. |
text |
geom public.geometry, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15, options integer = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0 - Return the geometry as a GML version 2 or 3 element. |
text |
text |
postgres |
sql |
text |
version integer, geog public.geography, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15, options integer = 0, nprefix text = NULL::text, id text = NULL::text |
postgres |
sql |
args: version, geog, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0, nprefix=null, id=null - Return the geometry as a GML version 2 or 3 element. |
text |
version integer, geom public.geometry, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15, options integer = 0, nprefix text = NULL::text, id text = NULL::text |
postgres |
sql |
args: version, geom, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0, nprefix=null, id=null - Return the geometry as a GML version 2 or 3 element. |
text |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Returns a Geometry in HEXEWKB format (as text) using either little-endian (NDR) or big-endian (XDR) encoding. |
text |
public.geometry, text |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, NDRorXDR - Returns a Geometry in HEXEWKB format (as text) using either little-endian (NDR) or big-endian (XDR) encoding. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, nband integer, options text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, options=NULL - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single Joint Photographic Exports Group (JPEG) image (byte array). If no band is specified and 1 or more than 3 bands, then only the first band is used. If only 3 bands then all 3 bands are used and mapped to RGB. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, nband integer, quality integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, quality - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single Joint Photographic Exports Group (JPEG) image (byte array). If no band is specified and 1 or more than 3 bands, then only the first band is used. If only 3 bands then all 3 bands are used and mapped to RGB. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, nbands integer [], options text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nbands, options=NULL - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single Joint Photographic Exports Group (JPEG) image (byte array). If no band is specified and 1 or more than 3 bands, then only the first band is used. If only 3 bands then all 3 bands are used and mapped to RGB. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, nbands integer [], quality integer |
postgres |
args: rast, nbands, quality - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single Joint Photographic Exports Group (JPEG) image (byte array). If no band is specified and 1 or more than 3 bands, then only the first band is used. If only 3 bands then all 3 bands are used and mapped to RGB. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, options text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
args: rast, options=NULL - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single Joint Photographic Exports Group (JPEG) image (byte array). If no band is specified and 1 or more than 3 bands, then only the first band is used. If only 3 bands then all 3 bands are used and mapped to RGB. |
text |
geog public.geography, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15 |
postgres |
sql |
args: geog, maxdecimaldigits=15 - Return the geometry as a KML element. Several variants. Default version=2, default precision=15 |
text |
geom public.geometry, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15 |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, maxdecimaldigits=15 - Return the geometry as a KML element. Several variants. Default version=2, default precision=15 |
text |
text |
postgres |
sql |
text |
version integer, geog public.geography, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15, nprefix text = NULL::text |
postgres |
sql |
args: version, geog, maxdecimaldigits=15, nprefix=NULL - Return the geometry as a KML element. Several variants. Default version=2, default precision=15 |
text |
version integer, geom public.geometry, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15, nprefix text = NULL::text |
postgres |
sql |
args: version, geom, maxdecimaldigits=15, nprefix=NULL - Return the geometry as a KML element. Several variants. Default version=2, default precision=15 |
text |
geom public.geometry, tmpl text = ''::text |
postgres |
c |
args: pt, format=' - Return the Degrees, Minutes, Seconds representation of the given point. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, customextent public.raster, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, units text = 'DEGREES'::text, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, units text = 'DEGREES'::text, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
bytea |
rast public.raster, nband integer, compression integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, compression - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single portable network graphics (PNG) image (byte array). If 1, 3, or 4 bands in raster and no bands are specified, then all bands are used. If more 2 or more than 4 bands and no bands specified, then only band 1 is used. Bands are mapped to RGB or RGBA space. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, nband integer, options text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, options=NULL - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single portable network graphics (PNG) image (byte array). If 1, 3, or 4 bands in raster and no bands are specified, then all bands are used. If more 2 or more than 4 bands and no bands specified, then only band 1 is used. Bands are mapped to RGB or RGBA space. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, nbands integer [], compression integer |
postgres |
args: rast, nbands, compression - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single portable network graphics (PNG) image (byte array). If 1, 3, or 4 bands in raster and no bands are specified, then all bands are used. If more 2 or more than 4 bands and no bands specified, then only band 1 is used. Bands are mapped to RGB or RGBA space. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, nbands integer [], options text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nbands, options=NULL - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single portable network graphics (PNG) image (byte array). If 1, 3, or 4 bands in raster and no bands are specified, then all bands are used. If more 2 or more than 4 bands and no bands specified, then only band 1 is used. Bands are mapped to RGB or RGBA space. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, options text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
args: rast, options=NULL - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single portable network graphics (PNG) image (byte array). If 1, 3, or 4 bands in raster and no bands are specified, then all bands are used. If more 2 or more than 4 bands and no bands specified, then only band 1 is used. Bands are mapped to RGB or RGBA space. |
public.raster |
geom public.geometry, ref public.raster, pixeltype text [] = ARRAY['8BUI'::text], value double precision [] = ARRAY[1::double precision], nodataval double precision [] = ARRAY[0::double precision], touched boolean = false |
postgres |
args: geom, ref, pixeltype=ARRAY['8BUI'], value=ARRAY[1], nodataval=ARRAY[0], touched=false - Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster. |
public.raster |
geom public.geometry, ref public.raster, pixeltype text, value double precision = 1, nodataval double precision = 0, touched boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, ref, pixeltype, value=1, nodataval=0, touched=false - Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster. |
public.raster |
geom public.geometry, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, gridx double precision = NULL::double precision, gridy double precision = NULL::double precision, pixeltype text [] = ARRAY['8BUI'::text], value double precision [] = ARRAY[1::double precision], nodataval double precision [] = ARRAY[0::double precision], skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, touched boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, scalex, scaley, gridx=NULL, gridy=NULL, pixeltype=ARRAY['8BUI'], value=ARRAY[1], nodataval=ARRAY[0], skewx=0, skewy=0, touched=false - Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster. |
public.raster |
geom public.geometry, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, gridx double precision, gridy double precision, pixeltype text, value double precision = 1, nodataval double precision = 0, skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, touched boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, scalex, scaley, gridx, gridy, pixeltype, value=1, nodataval=0, skewx=0, skewy=0, touched=false - Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster. |
public.raster |
geom public.geometry, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, pixeltype text [], value double precision [] = ARRAY[1::double precision], nodataval double precision [] = ARRAY[0::double precision], upperleftx double precision = NULL::double precision, upperlefty double precision = NULL::double precision, skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, touched boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, scalex, scaley, pixeltype, value=ARRAY[1], nodataval=ARRAY[0], upperleftx=NULL, upperlefty=NULL, skewx=0, skewy=0, touched=false - Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster. |
public.raster |
geom public.geometry, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, pixeltype text, value double precision = 1, nodataval double precision = 0, upperleftx double precision = NULL::double precision, upperlefty double precision = NULL::double precision, skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, touched boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, scalex, scaley, pixeltype, value=1, nodataval=0, upperleftx=NULL, upperlefty=NULL, skewx=0, skewy=0, touched=false - Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster. |
public.raster |
geom public.geometry, width integer, height integer, gridx double precision = NULL::double precision, gridy double precision = NULL::double precision, pixeltype text [] = ARRAY['8BUI'::text], value double precision [] = ARRAY[1::double precision], nodataval double precision [] = ARRAY[0::double precision], skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, touched boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, width, height, gridx=NULL, gridy=NULL, pixeltype=ARRAY['8BUI'], value=ARRAY[1], nodataval=ARRAY[0], skewx=0, skewy=0, touched=false - Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster. |
public.raster |
geom public.geometry, width integer, height integer, gridx double precision, gridy double precision, pixeltype text, value double precision = 1, nodataval double precision = 0, skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, touched boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, width, height, gridx, gridy, pixeltype, value=1, nodataval=0, skewx=0, skewy=0, touched=false - Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster. |
public.raster |
geom public.geometry, width integer, height integer, pixeltype text [], value double precision [] = ARRAY[1::double precision], nodataval double precision [] = ARRAY[0::double precision], upperleftx double precision = NULL::double precision, upperlefty double precision = NULL::double precision, skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, touched boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, width, height, pixeltype, value=ARRAY[1], nodataval=ARRAY[0], upperleftx=NULL, upperlefty=NULL, skewx=0, skewy=0, touched=false - Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster. |
public.raster |
geom public.geometry, width integer, height integer, pixeltype text, value double precision = 1, nodataval double precision = 0, upperleftx double precision = NULL::double precision, upperlefty double precision = NULL::double precision, skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, touched boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, width, height, pixeltype, value=1, nodataval=0, upperleftx=NULL, upperlefty=NULL, skewx=0, skewy=0, touched=false - Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster. |
text |
geog public.geography, rel integer = 0, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15 |
postgres |
c |
args: geog, rel=0, maxdecimaldigits=15 - Returns a Geometry in SVG path data given a geometry or geography object. |
text |
geom public.geometry, rel integer = 0, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15 |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, rel=0, maxdecimaldigits=15 - Returns a Geometry in SVG path data given a geometry or geography object. |
text |
text |
postgres |
sql |
text |
public.geography |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Return the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry/geography without SRID metadata. |
text |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Return the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry/geography without SRID metadata. |
text |
text |
postgres |
sql |
bytea |
rast public.raster, compression text, srid integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
args: rast, compression=', srid=sameassource - Return the raster selected bands as a single TIFF image (byte array). If no band is specified, then will try to use all bands. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, nbands integer [], compression text, srid integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nbands, compression=', srid=sameassource - Return the raster selected bands as a single TIFF image (byte array). If no band is specified, then will try to use all bands. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, nbands integer [], options text [] = NULL::text[], srid integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nbands, options, srid=sameassource - Return the raster selected bands as a single TIFF image (byte array). If no band is specified, then will try to use all bands. |
bytea |
rast public.raster, options text [] = NULL::text[], srid integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
args: rast, options=', srid=sameassource - Return the raster selected bands as a single TIFF image (byte array). If no band is specified, then will try to use all bands. |
bytea |
geom public.geometry [], ids bigint [], prec integer = NULL::integer, prec_z integer = NULL::integer, prec_m integer = NULL::integer, with_sizes boolean = NULL::boolean, with_boxes boolean = NULL::boolean |
postgres |
c |
args: geometries, unique_ids, decimaldigits_xy=0, decimaldigits_z=0, decimaldigits_m=0, include_sizes=false, include_bounding_boxes=false - Returns the geometry as TWKB, aka "Tiny Well-Known Binary" |
bytea |
geom public.geometry, prec integer = NULL::integer, prec_z integer = NULL::integer, prec_m integer = NULL::integer, with_sizes boolean = NULL::boolean, with_boxes boolean = NULL::boolean |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, decimaldigits_xy=0, decimaldigits_z=0, decimaldigits_m=0, include_sizes=false, include_bounding boxes=false - Returns the geometry as TWKB, aka "Tiny Well-Known Binary" |
text |
geom public.geometry, maxdecimaldigits integer = 15, options integer = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0 - Returns a Geometry in X3D xml node element format: ISO-IEC-19776-1.2-X3DEncodings-XML |
double precision |
geog1 public.geography, geog2 public.geography |
postgres |
c |
args: pointA, pointB - Returns the north-based azimuth as the angle in radians measured clockwise from the vertical on pointA to pointB. |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: pointA, pointB - Returns the north-based azimuth as the angle in radians measured clockwise from the vertical on pointA to pointB. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband - Returns one or more bands of an existing raster as a new raster. Useful for building new rasters from existing rasters. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nbands integer [] = ARRAY[1] |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, nbands = ARRAY[1] - Returns one or more bands of an existing raster as a new raster. Useful for building new rasters from existing rasters. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nbands text, delimiter char = ','::bpchar |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nbands, delimiter=, - Returns one or more bands of an existing raster as a new raster. Useful for building new rasters from existing rasters. |
boolean |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1, forcechecking boolean = false |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, band, forceChecking=true - Returns true if the band is filled with only nodata values. |
boolean |
rast public.raster, forcechecking boolean |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, forceChecking=true - Returns true if the band is filled with only nodata values. |
record |
rast public.raster, band integer [], out bandnum integer, out pixeltype text, out nodatavalue double precision, out isoutdb boolean, out path text |
postgres |
c |
record |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1, out pixeltype text, out nodatavalue double precision, out isoutdb boolean, out path text |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, bandnum=1 - Returns basic meta data for a specific raster band. band num 1 is assumed if none-specified. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1 |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, bandnum=1 - Returns the value in a given band that represents no data. If no band num 1 is assumed. |
text |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1 |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, bandnum=1 - Returns system file path to a band stored in file system. If no bandnum specified, 1 is assumed. |
text |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1 |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, bandnum=1 - Returns the type of pixel for given band. If no bandnum specified, 1 is assumed. |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
args: WKT, srid - Construct a MultiPolygon given an arbitrary collection of closed linestrings as a MultiLineString text representation Well-Known text representation. |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
args: WKT, srid - Construct a Polygon given an arbitrary collection of closed linestrings as a MultiLineString Well-Known text representation. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of this Geometry. |
public.geometry |
geom public.geometry, fits boolean = false |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, fits=false - Returns the diagonal of the supplied geometrys bounding box. |
public.box2d |
text, integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
c |
args: geohash, precision=full_precision_of_geohash - Return a BOX2D from a GeoHash string. |
public.geography |
public.geography, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, radius_of_buffer_in_meters - (T)Returns a geometry covering all points within a given distancefrom the input geometry. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, radius_of_buffer - (T)Returns a geometry covering all points within a given distancefrom the input geometry. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, radius_of_buffer, num_seg_quarter_circle - (T)Returns a geometry covering all points within a given distancefrom the input geometry. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, text |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, radius_of_buffer, buffer_style_parameters - (T)Returns a geometry covering all points within a given distancefrom the input geometry. |
public.geometry |
text, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: A - Creates an areal geometry formed by the constituent linework of given geometry |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Returns the geometric center of a geometry. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, geom public.geometry, crop boolean |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, geom public.geometry, nodataval double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], crop boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, geom public.geometry, nodataval double precision, crop boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer [], geom public.geometry, nodataval double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], crop boolean = true |
postgres |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, geom public.geometry, crop boolean |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, geom public.geometry, nodataval double precision, crop boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
geom public.geometry, box public.box2d |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, box - Returns the portion of a geometry falling within a rectangle. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2 - Returns the 2-dimensional point on g1 that is closest to g2. This is the first point of the shortest line. |
double precision |
public.geometry, public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: track1, track2 - Returns the measure at which points interpolated along two lines are closest. |
public.geometry [] |
public.geometry [] |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry [] |
public.geometry [], double precision |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2 - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from a collection of other geometries. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry [] |
postgres |
c |
args: g1_array - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from a collection of other geometries. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: collection, type - Given a (multi)geometry, returns a (multi)geometry consisting only of elements of the specified type. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: collection - Given a geometry collection, returns the "simplest" representation of the contents. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, colormap text, method text = 'INTERPOLATE'::text |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, colormap text = 'grayscale'::text, method text = 'INTERPOLATE'::text |
postgres |
public.box2d |
public.box2d, public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.box3d |
public.box3d, public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.box2d |
public.box2d, public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.box3d |
public.box3d, public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
param_geom public.geometry, param_pctconvex double precision, param_allow_holes boolean = false |
postgres |
args: geomA, target_percent, allow_holes=false - The concave hull of a geometry represents a possibly concave geometry that encloses all geometries within the set. You can think of it as shrink wrapping. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, geomB - Returns true if and only if no points of B lie in the exterior of A, and at least one point of the interior of B lies in the interior of A. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if no points of raster rastB lie in the exterior of raster rastA and at least one point of the interior of rastB lies in the interior of rastA. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, rastB - Return true if no points of raster rastB lie in the exterior of raster rastA and at least one point of the interior of rastB lies in the interior of rastA. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, geomB - Returns true if B intersects the interior of A but not the boundary (or exterior). A does not contain properly itself, but does contain itself. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if rastB intersects the interior of rastA but not the boundary or exterior of rastA. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, rastB - Return true if rastB intersects the interior of rastA but not the boundary or exterior of rastA. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - The convex hull of a geometry represents the minimum convex geometry that encloses all geometries within the set. |
public.geometry |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
smallint |
geometry public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Return the coordinate dimension of the ST_Geometry value. |
bigint |
rast public.raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, exclude_nodata_value - Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. If exclude_nodata_value is set to true, will only count pixels that are not equal to the nodata value. |
bigint |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. If exclude_nodata_value is set to true, will only count pixels that are not equal to the nodata value. |
bigint |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, exclude_nodata_value - Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. If exclude_nodata_value is set to true, will only count pixels that are not equal to the nodata value. |
bigint |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. If exclude_nodata_value is set to true, will only count pixels that are not equal to the nodata value. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, geomB - Returns 1 (TRUE) if no point in Geometry/Geography A is outside Geometry/Geography B |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
sql |
args: geogA, geogB - Returns 1 (TRUE) if no point in Geometry/Geography A is outside Geometry/Geography B |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if no points of raster rastA lie outside raster rastB. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, rastB - Return true if no points of raster rastA lie outside raster rastB. |
boolean |
text, text |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, geomB - Returns 1 (TRUE) if no point in Geometry B is outside Geometry A |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
sql |
args: geogpolyA, geogpointB - Returns 1 (TRUE) if no point in Geometry B is outside Geometry A |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if no points of raster rastB lie outside raster rastA. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, rastB - Return true if no points of raster rastB lie outside raster rastA. |
boolean |
text, text |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.geometry, public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: track1, track2, maxdist - Returns true if the trajectories closest points of approachare within the specified distance. |
pg_catalog.regclass |
tab pg_catalog.regclass, col name, factor integer, algo text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text |
postgres |
args: tab, col, factor, algo='NearestNeighbor' - Create an reduced resolution version of a given raster coverage. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, g2 - Returns TRUE if the supplied geometries have some, but not all, interior points in common. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: curveGeom, segments_per_qtr_circle - Converts a CIRCULARSTRING/CURVEPOLYGON to a LINESTRING/POLYGON |
public.geometry |
g1 public.geometry, tolerance double precision = 0.0, flags integer = 0 |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, tolerance, flags - Return a Delaunay triangulation around the given input points. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, g2, distance - Returns true if all of the geometries are within the specified distance of one another |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer, distance double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB, distance_of_srid - Return true if rasters rastA and rastB are fully within the specified distance of each other. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster, distance double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, rastB, distance_of_srid - Return true if rasters rastA and rastB are fully within the specified distance of each other. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, geomB - Returns a geometry that represents that part of geometry A that does not intersect with geometry B. |
integer |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g - The inherent dimension of this Geometry object, which must be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: A, B - Returns TRUE if the Geometries do not "spatially intersect" - if they do not share any space together. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if raster rastA does not spatially intersect rastB. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, rastB - Return true if raster rastA does not spatially intersect rastB. |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2 - For geometry type Returns the 2D Cartesian distance between two geometries in projected units (based on spatial ref). For geography type defaults to return minimum geodesic distance between two geographies in meters. |
double precision |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
sql |
args: gg1, gg2 - For geometry type Returns the 2D Cartesian distance between two geometries in projected units (based on spatial ref). For geography type defaults to return minimum geodesic distance between two geographies in meters. |
double precision |
public.geography, public.geography, boolean |
postgres |
sql |
args: gg1, gg2, use_spheroid - For geometry type Returns the 2D Cartesian distance between two geometries in projected units (based on spatial ref). For geography type defaults to return minimum geodesic distance between two geographies in meters. |
double precision |
text, text |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, public.spheroid |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
public.geometry, public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: track1, track2 - Returns the distance between closest points of approach in two trajectories. |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomlonlatA, geomlonlatB - Returns minimum distance in meters between two lon/lat geometries. Uses a spherical earth and radius derived from the spheroid defined by the SRID. Faster than ST_DistanceSpheroid , but less accurate. PostGIS versions prior to 1.5 only implemented for points. |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, public.spheroid |
postgres |
c |
args: geomlonlatA, geomlonlatB, measurement_spheroid - Returns the minimum distance between two lon/lat geometries given a particular spheroid. PostGIS versions prior to 1.5 only support points. |
double precision |
matrix double precision [], nodatamode text, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry_dump |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Returns a set of geometry_dump (geom,path) rows, that make up a geometry g1. |
public.geomval |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry_dump |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geom - Returns a set of geometry_dump (geom,path) rows of all points that make up a geometry. |
public.geometry_dump |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_polygon - Returns a set of geometry_dump rows, representing the exterior and interior rings of a polygon. |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer [] = NULL::integer[], exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, out nband integer, out valarray double precision [] |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, nband=NULL, exclude_nodata_value=true - Get the values of the specified band as a 2-dimension array. |
double precision [] |
rast public.raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, exclude_nodata_value=true - Get the values of the specified band as a 2-dimension array. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, g2, distance_of_srid - Returns true if the geometries are within the specified distance of one another. For geometry units are in those of spatial reference and For geography units are in meters and measurement is defaulted to use_spheroid=true (measure around spheroid), for faster check, use_spheroid=false to measure along sphere. |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: gg1, gg2, distance_meters - Returns true if the geometries are within the specified distance of one another. For geometry units are in those of spatial reference and For geography units are in meters and measurement is defaulted to use_spheroid=true (measure around spheroid), for faster check, use_spheroid=false to measure along sphere. |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography, double precision, boolean |
postgres |
sql |
args: gg1, gg2, distance_meters, use_spheroid - Returns true if the geometries are within the specified distance of one another. For geometry units are in those of spatial reference and For geography units are in meters and measurement is defaulted to use_spheroid=true (measure around spheroid), for faster check, use_spheroid=false to measure along sphere. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer, distance double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB, distance_of_srid - Return true if rasters rastA and rastB are within the specified distance of each other. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster, distance double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, rastB, distance_of_srid - Return true if rasters rastA and rastB are within the specified distance of each other. |
boolean |
text, text, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g - Returns the last point of a LINESTRING or CIRCULARLINESTRING geometry as a POINT. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Returns a geometry representing the double precision (float8) bounding box of the supplied geometry. |
public.geometry |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: A, B - Returns true if the given geometries represent the same geometry. Directionality is ignored. |
public.box2d |
text, text |
postgres |
sql |
public.box2d |
text, text, text |
postgres |
sql |
public.box2d |
text, text |
postgres |
c |
args: table_name, geocolumn_name - Return the estimated extent of the given spatial table. The estimated is taken from the geometry columns statistics. The current schema will be used if not specified. |
public.box2d |
text, text, text |
postgres |
c |
args: schema_name, table_name, geocolumn_name - Return the estimated extent of the given spatial table. The estimated is taken from the geometry columns statistics. The current schema will be used if not specified. |
public.box2d |
public.box2d, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, units_to_expand - Returns bounding box expanded in all directions from the bounding box of the input geometry. Uses double-precision |
public.box3d |
public.box3d, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, units_to_expand - Returns bounding box expanded in all directions from the bounding box of the input geometry. Uses double-precision |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, units_to_expand - Returns bounding box expanded in all directions from the bounding box of the input geometry. Uses double-precision |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_polygon - Returns a line string representing the exterior ring of the POLYGON geometry. Return NULL if the geometry is not a polygon. Will not work with MULTIPOLYGON |
public.box2d |
text, text |
postgres |
sql |
public.box2d |
text, text, text |
postgres |
sql |
public.box2d |
text, text |
postgres |
public.box2d |
text, text, text |
postgres |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geom - Returns a version of the given geometry with X and Y axis flipped. Useful for people who have built latitude/longitude features and need to fix them. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Forces the geometries into a "2-dimensional mode" so that all output representations will only have the X and Y coordinates. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Forces the geometries into XYZ mode. This is an alias for ST_Force3DZ. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Forces the geometries into XYM mode. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Forces the geometries into XYZ mode. This is a synonym for ST_Force3D. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Forces the geometries into XYZM mode. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Converts the geometry into a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g - Upcasts a geometry into its curved type, if applicable. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g - Forces the orientation of the vertices in a polygon to follow the Right-Hand-Rule. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Forces the geometries to use SFS 1.1 geometry types only. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, version text |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, version - Forces the geometries to use SFS 1.1 geometry types only. |
public.raster |
gdaldata bytea, srid integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
c |
args: gdaldata, srid=NULL - Returns a raster from a supported GDAL raster file. |
record |
out idx integer, out short_name text, out long_name text, out create_options text |
postgres |
c |
args: OUT idx, OUT short_name, OUT long_name, OUT create_options - Returns a list of raster formats supported by your lib gdal. These are the formats you can output your raster using ST_AsGDALRaster. |
public.geography |
text |
postgres |
c |
args: EWKT - Return a specified geography value from Well-Known Text representation or extended (WKT). |
public.geography |
bytea |
postgres |
c |
args: wkb - Creates a geography instance from a Well-Known Binary geometry representation (WKB) or extended Well Known Binary (EWKB). |
public.geography |
text |
postgres |
c |
args: EWKT - Return a specified geography value from Well-Known Text representation or extended (WKT). |
text |
geog public.geography, maxchars integer = 0 |
postgres |
c |
text |
geom public.geometry, maxchars integer = 0 |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, maxchars=full_precision_of_point - Return a GeoHash representation of the geometry. |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT - Makes a collection Geometry from collection WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to 0. |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT, srid - Makes a collection Geometry from collection WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to 0. |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
c |
args: WKT - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Well-Known Text representation (WKT). This is an alias name for ST_GeomFromText |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: WKT, srid - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Well-Known Text representation (WKT). This is an alias name for ST_GeomFromText |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, n - Return the 1-based Nth geometry if the geometry is a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, (MULTI)POINT, (MULTI)LINESTRING, MULTICURVE or (MULTI)POLYGON, POLYHEDRALSURFACE Otherwise, return NULL. |
text |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Return the geometry type of the ST_Geometry value. |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
c |
args: EWKB - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Extended Well-Known Binary representation (EWKB). |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
c |
args: EWKT - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Extended Well-Known Text representation (EWKT). |
public.geometry |
text, integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: geohash, precision=full_precision_of_geohash - Return a geometry from a GeoHash string. |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
c |
args: geomjson - Takes as input a geojson representation of a geometry and outputs a PostGIS geometry object |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomgml - Takes as input GML representation of geometry and outputs a PostGIS geometry object |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: geomgml, srid - Takes as input GML representation of geometry and outputs a PostGIS geometry object |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
c |
args: geomkml - Takes as input KML representation of geometry and outputs a PostGIS geometry object |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
c |
args: WKT - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Well-Known Text representation (WKT). |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: WKT, srid - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Well-Known Text representation (WKT). |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
c |
args: twkb - Creates a geometry instance from a TWKB ("Tiny Well-Known Binary") geometry representation. |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
c |
args: geom - Makes a geometry from WKB with the given SRID |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: geom, srid - Makes a geometry from WKB with the given SRID |
text |
rast public.raster, format text = 'GDAL'::text |
postgres |
args: rast, format=GDAL - Returns the georeference meta data in GDAL or ESRI format as commonly seen in a world file. Default is GDAL. |
record |
public.raster, out imag double precision, out jmag double precision, out theta_i double precision, out theta_ij double precision, out xoffset double precision, out yoffset double precision |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomgml - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from GML representation. This is an alias name for ST_GeomFromGML |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: geomgml, srid - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from GML representation. This is an alias name for ST_GeomFromGML |
boolean |
geometry public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Returns true if a geometry or geometry collection contains a circular string |
boolean |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1 |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, bandnum=1 - Returns true if there is no band with given band number. If no band number is specified, then band number 1 is assumed. |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2 - Returns the Hausdorff distance between two geometries. Basically a measure of how similar or dissimilar 2 geometries are. Units are in the units of the spatial reference system of the geometries. |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2, densifyFrac - Returns the Hausdorff distance between two geometries. Basically a measure of how similar or dissimilar 2 geometries are. Units are in the units of the spatial reference system of the geometries. |
integer |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the height of the raster in pixels. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, customextent public.raster, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, azimuth double precision = 315.0, altitude double precision = 45.0, max_bright double precision = 255.0, scale double precision = 1.0, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, azimuth double precision = 315.0, altitude double precision = 45.0, max_bright double precision = 255.0, scale double precision = 1.0, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, bins integer, right boolean, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, bins, right - Returns a set of record summarizing a raster or raster coverage data distribution separate bin ranges. Number of bins are autocomputed if not specified. |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, bins integer, width double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], right boolean = false, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, bins, width=NULL, right=false - Returns a set of record summarizing a raster or raster coverage data distribution separate bin ranges. Number of bins are autocomputed if not specified. |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, bins integer, right boolean, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, exclude_nodata_value, bins, right - Returns a set of record summarizing a raster or raster coverage data distribution separate bin ranges. Number of bins are autocomputed if not specified. |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, bins integer = 0, width double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], right boolean = false, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true, bins=autocomputed, width=NULL, right=false - Returns a set of record summarizing a raster or raster coverage data distribution separate bin ranges. Number of bins are autocomputed if not specified. |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, bins integer, right boolean, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband, bins, right - Returns a set of record summarizing a raster or raster coverage data distribution separate bin ranges. Number of bins are autocomputed if not specified. |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, bins integer, width double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], right boolean = false, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband=1, bins, width=NULL, right=false - Returns a set of record summarizing a raster or raster coverage data distribution separate bin ranges. Number of bins are autocomputed if not specified. |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, bins integer, right boolean, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband, exclude_nodata_value, bins, right - Returns a set of record summarizing a raster or raster coverage data distribution separate bin ranges. Number of bins are autocomputed if not specified. |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, bins integer = 0, width double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], right boolean = false, out min double precision, out max double precision, out count bigint, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true, bins=autocomputed, width=NULL, right=false - Returns a set of record summarizing a raster or raster coverage data distribution separate bin ranges. Number of bins are autocomputed if not specified. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: a_polygon, n - Return the Nth interior linestring ring of the polygon geometry. Return NULL if the geometry is not a polygon or the given N is out of range. |
double precision |
line public.geometry, point public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: line, point - Return the value of the measure dimension of a geometry at the point closed to the provided point. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, geomB - (T)Returns a geometry that represents the shared portion of geomA and geomB. |
public.geomval |
geomin public.geometry, rast public.raster, band integer = 1 |
postgres |
public.geography |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
sql |
args: geogA, geogB - (T)Returns a geometry that represents the shared portion of geomA and geomB. |
public.geomval |
rast public.raster, band integer, geomin public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.geomval |
rast public.raster, geomin public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, band1 integer, rast2 public.raster, band2 integer, nodataval double precision [] |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, band1 integer, rast2 public.raster, band2 integer, nodataval double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, band1 integer, rast2 public.raster, band2 integer, returnband text = 'BOTH'::text, nodataval double precision [] = NULL::double precision[] |
postgres |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, band1 integer, rast2 public.raster, band2 integer, returnband text, nodataval double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster, nodataval double precision [] |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster, nodataval double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster, returnband text = 'BOTH'::text, nodataval double precision [] = NULL::double precision[] |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster, returnband text, nodataval double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
text, text |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
geom public.geometry, rast public.raster, nband integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: geommin, rast, nband=NULL - Return true if raster rastA spatially intersects raster rastB. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, geomB - Returns TRUE if the Geometries/Geography "spatially intersect in 2D" - (share any portion of space) and FALSE if they dont (they are Disjoint). For geography -- tolerance is 0.00001 meters (so any points that close are considered to intersect) |
boolean |
public.geography, public.geography |
postgres |
sql |
args: geogA, geogB - Returns TRUE if the Geometries/Geography "spatially intersect in 2D" - (share any portion of space) and FALSE if they dont (they are Disjoint). For geography -- tolerance is 0.00001 meters (so any points that close are considered to intersect) |
boolean |
rast public.raster, geom public.geometry, nband integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, geommin, nband=NULL - Return true if raster rastA spatially intersects raster rastB. |
boolean |
rast public.raster, nband integer, geom public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, geommin - Return true if raster rastA spatially intersects raster rastB. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if raster rastA spatially intersects raster rastB. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, rastB - Return true if raster rastA spatially intersects raster rastB. |
boolean |
text, text |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
boolean |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g - Returns TRUE if the LINESTRINGs start and end points are coincident. For Polyhedral surface is closed (volumetric). |
boolean |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g - Returns TRUE if the argument is a collection (MULTI*, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, ...) |
boolean |
rast public.raster, coverage public.raster, tilewidth integer, tileheight integer |
postgres |
boolean |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Returns true if this Geometry is an empty geometrycollection, polygon, point etc. |
boolean |
rast public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns true if the raster is empty (width = 0 and height = 0). Otherwise, returns false. |
boolean |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g - Returns TRUE if this LINESTRING is both closed and simple. |
boolean |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Returns (TRUE) if this Geometry has no anomalous geometric points, such as self intersection or self tangency. |
boolean |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g - Returns true if the ST_Geometry is well formed. |
boolean |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: g, flags - Returns true if the ST_Geometry is well formed. |
public.valid_detail |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geom - Returns a valid_detail (valid,reason,location) row stating if a geometry is valid or not and if not valid, a reason why and a location where. |
public.valid_detail |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, flags - Returns a valid_detail (valid,reason,location) row stating if a geometry is valid or not and if not valid, a reason why and a location where. |
text |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Returns text stating if a geometry is valid or not and if not valid, a reason why. |
text |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, flags - Returns text stating if a geometry is valid or not and if not valid, a reason why. |
boolean |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: line - Returns true if the geometry is a valid trajectory. |
double precision |
geog public.geography, use_spheroid boolean = true |
postgres |
c |
args: geog, use_spheroid=true - Returns the 2D length of the geometry if it is a LineString or MultiLineString. geometry are in units of spatial reference and geography are in meters (default spheroid) |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_2dlinestring - Returns the 2D length of the geometry if it is a LineString or MultiLineString. geometry are in units of spatial reference and geography are in meters (default spheroid) |
double precision |
text |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
public.geometry, public.spheroid |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_2dlinestring - Returns the 2-dimensional length of the geometry if it is a linestring or multi-linestring. This is an alias for ST_Length |
double precision |
public.geometry, public.spheroid |
postgres |
sql |
args: a_linestring, a_spheroid - Calculates the 2D length of a linestring/multilinestring on an ellipsoid. This is useful if the coordinates of the geometry are in longitude/latitude and a length is desired without reprojection. |
double precision |
public.geometry, public.spheroid |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
public.geometry, public.spheroid |
postgres |
c |
args: a_linestring, a_spheroid - Calculates the 2D or 3D length of a linestring/multilinestring on an ellipsoid. This is useful if the coordinates of the geometry are in longitude/latitude and a length is desired without reprojection. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: linestringA, linestringB - Given 2 linestrings, returns a number between -3 and 3 denoting what kind of crossing behavior. 0 is no crossing. |
public.geometry |
text, integer = 5 |
postgres |
c |
args: polyline, precision=5 - Creates a LineString from an Encoded Polyline. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: aMultiPoint - Creates a LineString from a MultiPoint geometry. |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT - Makes a Geometry from WKT representation with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0. |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT, srid - Makes a Geometry from WKT representation with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0. |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKB - Makes a LINESTRING from WKB with the given SRID |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKB, srid - Makes a LINESTRING from WKB with the given SRID |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: a_linestring, a_fraction - Returns a point interpolated along a line. Second argument is a float8 between 0 and 1 representing fraction of total length of linestring the point has to be located. |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_linestring, a_point - Returns a float between 0 and 1 representing the location of the closest point on LineString to the given Point, as a fraction of total 2d line length. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: amultilinestring - Returns a (set of) LineString(s) formed by sewing together a MULTILINESTRING. |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKB - Makes a geometry from WKB with the given SRID. |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKB, srid - Makes a geometry from WKB with the given SRID. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: a_linestring, startfraction, endfraction - Return a linestring being a substring of the input one starting and ending at the given fractions of total 2d length. Second and third arguments are float8 values between 0 and 1. |
public.geometry |
geometry public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
geometry public.geometry, measure double precision, leftrightoffset double precision = 0.0 |
postgres |
c |
args: ageom_with_measure, a_measure, offset - Return a derived geometry collection value with elements that match the specified measure. Polygonal elements are not supported. |
public.geometry |
geometry public.geometry, frommeasure double precision, tomeasure double precision, leftrightoffset double precision = 0.0 |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, measure_start, measure_end, offset - Return a derived geometry collection value with elements that match the specified range of measures inclusively. Polygonal elements are not supported. |
public.geometry |
geometry public.geometry, fromelevation double precision, toelevation double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: geom_mline, elevation_start, elevation_end - Return a derived geometry (collection) value with elements that intersect the specified range of elevations inclusively. Only 3D, 4D LINESTRINGS and MULTILINESTRINGS are supported. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, g2 - Returns the 2-dimensional longest line points of two geometries. The function will only return the first longest line if more than one, that the function finds. The line returned will always start in g1 and end in g2. The length of the line this function returns will always be the same as st_maxdistance returns for g1 and g2. |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_point - Return the M coordinate of the point, or NULL if not available. Input must be a point. |
public.box2d |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: pointLowLeft, pointUpRight - Creates a BOX2D defined by the given point geometries. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster |
postgres |
args: rast - Returns an empty raster (having no bands) of given dimensions (width & height), upperleft X and Y, pixel size and rotation (scalex, scaley, skewx & skewy) and reference system (srid). If a raster is passed in, returns a new raster with the same size, alignment and SRID. If srid is left out, the spatial ref is set to unknown (0). |
public.raster |
width integer, height integer, upperleftx double precision, upperlefty double precision, pixelsize double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: width, height, upperleftx, upperlefty, pixelsize - Returns an empty raster (having no bands) of given dimensions (width & height), upperleft X and Y, pixel size and rotation (scalex, scaley, skewx & skewy) and reference system (srid). If a raster is passed in, returns a new raster with the same size, alignment and SRID. If srid is left out, the spatial ref is set to unknown (0). |
public.raster |
width integer, height integer, upperleftx double precision, upperlefty double precision, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, skewx double precision, skewy double precision, srid integer = 0 |
postgres |
c |
args: width, height, upperleftx, upperlefty, scalex, scaley, skewx, skewy, srid=unknown - Returns an empty raster (having no bands) of given dimensions (width & height), upperleft X and Y, pixel size and rotation (scalex, scaley, skewx & skewy) and reference system (srid). If a raster is passed in, returns a new raster with the same size, alignment and SRID. If srid is left out, the spatial ref is set to unknown (0). |
public.geometry |
double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision, integer = 0 |
postgres |
c |
args: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, srid=unknown - Creates a rectangular Polygon formed from the given minimums and maximums. Input values must be in SRS specified by the SRID. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geom1, geom2 - Creates a Linestring from point or line geometries. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry [] |
postgres |
c |
args: geoms_array - Creates a Linestring from point or line geometries. |
public.geometry |
double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: x, y - Creates a 2D,3DZ or 4D point geometry. |
public.geometry |
double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: x, y, z - Creates a 2D,3DZ or 4D point geometry. |
public.geometry |
double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: x, y, z, m - Creates a 2D,3DZ or 4D point geometry. |
public.geometry |
double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: x, y, m - Creates a point geometry with an x y and m coordinate. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: linestring - Creates a Polygon formed by the given shell. Input geometries must be closed LINESTRINGS. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, public.geometry [] |
postgres |
c |
args: outerlinestring, interiorlinestrings - Creates a Polygon formed by the given shell. Input geometries must be closed LINESTRINGS. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: input - Attempts to make an invalid geometry valid without losing vertices. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer [], callbackfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'FIRST'::text, customextent public.raster = NULL::raster, distancex integer = 0, distancey integer = 0, variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, callbackfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, mask double precision [], weighted boolean, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'INTERSECTION'::text, customextent public.raster = NULL::raster, variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, callbackfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'FIRST'::text, customextent public.raster = NULL::raster, distancex integer = 0, distancey integer = 0, variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, pixeltype text, expression text, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, pixeltype text, expression text, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, band1 integer, rast2 public.raster, band2 integer, expression text, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'INTERSECTION'::text, nodata1expr text = NULL::text, nodata2expr text = NULL::text, nodatanodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer, callbackfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'INTERSECTION'::text, customextent public.raster = NULL::raster, distancex integer = 0, distancey integer = 0, variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster, expression text, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'INTERSECTION'::text, nodata1expr text = NULL::text, nodata2expr text = NULL::text, nodatanodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rastbandargset public.rastbandarg [], callbackfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'INTERSECTION'::text, customextent public.raster = NULL::raster, distancex integer = 0, distancey integer = 0, variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, band integer, pixeltype text, expression text, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, pixeltype text, expression text, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, band1 integer, rast2 public.raster, band2 integer, expression text, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'INTERSECTION'::text, nodata1expr text = NULL::text, nodata2expr text = NULL::text, nodatanodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster, expression text, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'INTERSECTION'::text, nodata1expr text = NULL::text, nodata2expr text = NULL::text, nodatanodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, band integer, onerastuserfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, band integer, onerastuserfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, band integer, pixeltype text, onerastuserfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, band integer, pixeltype text, onerastuserfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, onerastuserfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, onerastuserfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, pixeltype text, onerastuserfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, pixeltype text, onerastuserfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, band1 integer, rast2 public.raster, band2 integer, tworastuserfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'INTERSECTION'::text, variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster, tworastuserfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, pixeltype text = NULL::text, extenttype text = 'INTERSECTION'::text, variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, band integer, pixeltype text, ngbwidth integer, ngbheight integer, onerastngbuserfunc pg_catalog.regprocedure, nodatamode text, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
matrix double precision [], nodatamode text, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
double precision |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, g2 - Returns the 2-dimensional largest distance between two geometries in projected units. |
double precision |
matrix double precision [], nodatamode text, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
integer |
public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Returns the amount of space (in bytes) the geometry takes. |
integer |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the amount of space (in bytes) the raster takes. |
record |
rast public.raster, out upperleftx double precision, out upperlefty double precision, out width integer, out height integer, out scalex double precision, out scaley double precision, out skewx double precision, out skewy double precision, out srid integer, out numbands integer |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns basic meta data about a raster object such as pixel size, rotation (skew), upper, lower left, etc. |
double precision |
matrix double precision [], nodatamode text, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
public.geometry |
rast public.raster, nband integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
c |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
public.geometry |
inputgeom public.geometry, segs_per_quarter integer = 48 |
postgres |
args: geomA, num_segs_per_qt_circ=48 - Returns the smallest circle polygon that can fully contain a geometry. Default uses 48 segments per quarter circle. |
double precision |
pixeltype text |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT - Return a specified ST_MultiLineString value from WKT representation. |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT, srid - Return a specified ST_MultiLineString value from WKT representation. |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT - Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to 0. |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT, srid - Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to 0. |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT - Makes a MultiPolygon Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to 0. |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT, srid - Makes a MultiPolygon Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to 0. |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Returns the geometry as a MULTI* geometry. If the geometry is already a MULTI*, it is returned unchanged. |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
sql |
smallint |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Returns coordinate dimension of the geometry as a small int. Values are: 2,3 or 4. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, band integer, columnx integer, rowy integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, bandnum, columnx, rowy, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the nearest non-NODATA value of a given bands pixel specified by a columnx and rowy or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, band integer, pt public.geometry, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, bandnum, pt, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the nearest non-NODATA value of a given bands pixel specified by a columnx and rowy or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, columnx integer, rowy integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, columnx, rowy, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the nearest non-NODATA value of a given bands pixel specified by a columnx and rowy or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, pt public.geometry, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, pt, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the nearest non-NODATA value of a given bands pixel specified by a columnx and rowy or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster. |
double precision [] |
rast public.raster, band integer, columnx integer, rowy integer, distancex integer, distancey integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, bandnum, columnX, rowY, distanceX, distanceY, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns a 2-D double precision array of the non-NODATA values around a given bands pixel specified by either a columnX and rowY or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster. |
double precision [] |
rast public.raster, band integer, pt public.geometry, distancex integer, distancey integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
args: rast, bandnum, pt, distanceX, distanceY, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns a 2-D double precision array of the non-NODATA values around a given bands pixel specified by either a columnX and rowY or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster. |
double precision [] |
rast public.raster, columnx integer, rowy integer, distancex integer, distancey integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, columnX, rowY, distanceX, distanceY, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns a 2-D double precision array of the non-NODATA values around a given bands pixel specified by either a columnX and rowY or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster. |
double precision [] |
rast public.raster, pt public.geometry, distancex integer, distancey integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, pt, distanceX, distanceY, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns a 2-D double precision array of the non-NODATA values around a given bands pixel specified by either a columnX and rowY or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster. |
public.geometry |
g public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geom - Node a set of linestrings. |
text |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rastA, rastB - Returns text stating if rasters are aligned and if not aligned, a reason why. |
integer |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Return the number of points (vertexes) in a geometry. |
integer |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - If the geometry is a polygon or multi-polygon returns the number of rings. |
integer |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the number of bands in the raster object. |
integer |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geom - If geometry is a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (or MULTI*) return the number of geometries, for single geometries will return 1, otherwise return NULL. |
integer |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_polygon - Return the number of interior rings of a polygon in the geometry. Synonym for ST_NumInteriorRings. |
integer |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_polygon - Return the number of interior rings of the a polygon in the geometry. This will work with POLYGON and return NULL for a MULTIPOLYGON type or any other type |
integer |
public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1 - Return the number of faces on a Polyhedral Surface. Will return null for non-polyhedral geometries. |
integer |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Return the number of points in an ST_LineString or ST_CircularString value. |
public.geometry |
line public.geometry, distance double precision, params text = ''::text |
postgres |
c |
args: line, signed_distance, style_parameters=' - Return an offset line at a given distance and side from an input line. Useful for computing parallel lines about a center line |
boolean |
geometrya public.geometry, geometryb public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: A, B - Returns true if the given geometries represent the same geometry and points are in the same directional order. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: A, B - Returns TRUE if the Geometries share space, are of the same dimension, but are not completely contained by each other. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if raster rastA and rastB intersect but one does not completely contain the other. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, rastB - Return true if raster rastA and rastB intersect but one does not completely contain the other. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, n - Return the 1-based Nth geometry (face) if the geometry is a POLYHEDRALSURFACE, POLYHEDRALSURFACEM. Otherwise, return NULL. |
double precision |
geog public.geography, use_spheroid boolean = true |
postgres |
c |
args: geog, use_spheroid=true - Return the length measurement of the boundary of an ST_Surface or ST_MultiSurface geometry or geography. (Polygon, MultiPolygon). geometry measurement is in units of spatial reference and geography is in meters. |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Return the length measurement of the boundary of an ST_Surface or ST_MultiSurface geometry or geography. (Polygon, MultiPolygon). geometry measurement is in units of spatial reference and geography is in meters. |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Returns the 2-dimensional perimeter of the geometry, if it is a polygon or multi-polygon. This is currently an alias for ST_Perimeter. |
public.geometry |
rast public.raster, x integer, y integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, columnx, rowy - Returns the centroid (point geometry) of the area represented by a pixel. |
record |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, out geom public.geometry, out val double precision, out x integer, out y integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, band=1, exclude_nodata_value=TRUE - Returns the centroid (point geometry) for each pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. The point geometry is the centroid of the area represented by a pixel. |
public.geometry |
rast public.raster, x integer, y integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, columnx, rowy - Returns a point geometry of the pixels upper-left corner. |
record |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, out geom public.geometry, out val double precision, out x integer, out y integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, band=1, exclude_nodata_value=TRUE - Returns a point geometry for each pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. The coordinates of the point geometry are of the pixels upper-left corner. |
public.geometry |
rast public.raster, x integer, y integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, columnx, rowy - Returns the polygon geometry that bounds the pixel for a particular row and column. |
record |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, out geom public.geometry, out val double precision, out x integer, out y integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, band=1, exclude_nodata_value=TRUE - Returns the polygon geometry that bounds every pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. |
double precision |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the pixel height in geometric units of the spatial reference system. |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, search double precision [], exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, out val double precision, out x integer, out y integer |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, nband, search, exclude_nodata_value=true - Get the columnx, rowy coordinates of the pixel whose value equals the search value. |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, search double precision, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, out x integer, out y integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, search, exclude_nodata_value=true - Get the columnx, rowy coordinates of the pixel whose value equals the search value. |
record |
rast public.raster, search double precision [], exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, out val double precision, out x integer, out y integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, search, exclude_nodata_value=true - Get the columnx, rowy coordinates of the pixel whose value equals the search value. |
record |
rast public.raster, search double precision, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, out x integer, out y integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, search, exclude_nodata_value=true - Get the columnx, rowy coordinates of the pixel whose value equals the search value. |
double precision |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the pixel width in geometric units of the spatial reference system. |
public.geometry |
double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: x_lon, y_lat - Returns an ST_Point with the given coordinate values. OGC alias for ST_MakePoint. |
boolean |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
text, integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
c |
args: geohash, precision=full_precision_of_geohash - Return a point from a GeoHash string. |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT - Makes a point Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to unknown. |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT, srid - Makes a point Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to unknown. |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: a_point, center_x, center_y, radius - Is the point geometry insert circle defined by center_x, center_y, radius |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: a_linestring, n - Return the Nth point in the first linestring or circular linestring in the geometry. Return NULL if there is no linestring in the geometry. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Returns a POINT guaranteed to lie on the surface. |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: aLineString, srid - Returns a polygon built from the specified linestring and SRID. |
public.geometry |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1 |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT - Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to 0. |
public.geometry |
text, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: WKT, srid - Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not give, it defaults to 0. |
public.geometry |
bytea |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
bytea, integer |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry [] |
postgres |
c |
args: geom_array - Aggregate. Creates a GeometryCollection containing possible polygons formed from the constituent linework of a set of geometries. |
public.geography |
geog public.geography, distance double precision, azimuth double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, distance, azimuth - Returns a POINT projected from a start point using a distance in meters and bearing (azimuth) in radians. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean, quantile double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, exclude_nodata_value, quantile=NULL - Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the rasters 25%, 50%, 75% percentile. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, exclude_nodata_value, quantile - Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the rasters 25%, 50%, 75% percentile. |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, quantiles double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true, quantiles=NULL - Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the rasters 25%, 50%, 75% percentile. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, nband integer, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, quantile - Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the rasters 25%, 50%, 75% percentile. |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, quantiles double precision [], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, quantiles - Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the rasters 25%, 50%, 75% percentile. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, quantile - Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the rasters 25%, 50%, 75% percentile. |
record |
rast public.raster, quantiles double precision [], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, quantiles - Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the rasters 25%, 50%, 75% percentile. |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean, quantile double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, quantiles double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true, quantiles=NULL - Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the rasters 25%, 50%, 75% percentile. |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, quantiles double precision [], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband, quantiles - Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the rasters 25%, 50%, 75% percentile. |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, quantile double precision |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, quantiles double precision [], out quantile double precision, out value double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
matrix double precision [], nodatamode text, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
record |
rast public.raster, columnx integer, rowy integer, out longitude double precision, out latitude double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, xcolumn, yrow - Returns the rasters upper left corner as geometric X and Y (longitude and latitude) given a column and row. Column and row starts at 1. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, xr integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, xcolumn - Returns the geometric X coordinate upper left of a raster, column and row. Numbering of columns and rows starts at 1. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, xr integer, yr integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, xcolumn, yrow - Returns the geometric X coordinate upper left of a raster, column and row. Numbering of columns and rows starts at 1. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, xr integer, yr integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, xcolumn, yrow - Returns the geometric Y coordinate upper left corner of a raster, column and row. Numbering of columns and rows starts at 1. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, yr integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, yrow - Returns the geometric Y coordinate upper left corner of a raster, column and row. Numbering of columns and rows starts at 1. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, reclassexpr text, pixeltype text, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, reclassexpr text, pixeltype text |
postgres |
sql |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, variadic reclassargset public.reclassarg [] |
postgres |
text |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, geomB - Returns true if this Geometry is spatially related to anotherGeometry, by testing for intersections between the Interior, Boundary and Exterior of the two geometries as specified by the values in the intersectionMatrixPattern. If no intersectionMatrixPattern is passed in, then returns the maximum intersectionMatrixPattern that relates the 2 geometries. |
text |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, geomB, BoundaryNodeRule - Returns true if this Geometry is spatially related to anotherGeometry, by testing for intersections between the Interior, Boundary and Exterior of the two geometries as specified by the values in the intersectionMatrixPattern. If no intersectionMatrixPattern is passed in, then returns the maximum intersectionMatrixPattern that relates the 2 geometries. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, text |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, geomB, intersectionMatrixPattern - Returns true if this Geometry is spatially related to anotherGeometry, by testing for intersections between the Interior, Boundary and Exterior of the two geometries as specified by the values in the intersectionMatrixPattern. If no intersectionMatrixPattern is passed in, then returns the maximum intersectionMatrixPattern that relates the 2 geometries. |
boolean |
text, text |
postgres |
c |
args: intersectionMatrix, intersectionMatrixPattern - Returns true if intersectionMattrixPattern1 implies intersectionMatrixPattern2 |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: linestring, offset - Removes point from a linestring. Offset is 0-based. |
public.geometry |
geom public.geometry, tolerance double precision = 0.0 |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, tolerance - Returns a version of the given geometry with duplicated points removed. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, ref public.raster, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125, usescale boolean = true |
postgres |
args: rast, ref, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125, usescale=true - Resample a raster using a specified resampling algorithm, new dimensions, an arbitrary grid corner and a set of raster georeferencing attributes defined or borrowed from another raster. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, ref public.raster, usescale boolean, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, ref, usescale, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster using a specified resampling algorithm, new dimensions, an arbitrary grid corner and a set of raster georeferencing attributes defined or borrowed from another raster. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, scalex double precision = 0, scaley double precision = 0, gridx double precision = NULL::double precision, gridy double precision = NULL::double precision, skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, scalex=0, scaley=0, gridx=NULL, gridy=NULL, skewx=0, skewy=0, algorithm=NearestNeighbor, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster using a specified resampling algorithm, new dimensions, an arbitrary grid corner and a set of raster georeferencing attributes defined or borrowed from another raster. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, width integer, height integer, gridx double precision = NULL::double precision, gridy double precision = NULL::double precision, skewx double precision = 0, skewy double precision = 0, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, width, height, gridx=NULL, gridy=NULL, skewx=0, skewy=0, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster using a specified resampling algorithm, new dimensions, an arbitrary grid corner and a set of raster georeferencing attributes defined or borrowed from another raster. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, scalex, scaley, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster by adjusting only its scale (or pixel size). New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, scalexy double precision, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, scalexy, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster by adjusting only its scale (or pixel size). New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, percentwidth double precision, percentheight double precision, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
args: rast, percentwidth, percentheight, algorithm=NearestNeighbor, maxerr=0.125 - Resize a raster to a new width/height |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, width integer, height integer, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, width, height, algorithm=NearestNeighbor, maxerr=0.125 - Resize a raster to a new width/height |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, width text, height text, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
args: rast, width, height, algorithm=NearestNeighbor, maxerr=0.125 - Resize a raster to a new width/height |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, skewx double precision, skewy double precision, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, skewx, skewy, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster by adjusting only its skew (or rotation parameters). New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, skewxy double precision, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, skewxy, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster by adjusting only its skew (or rotation parameters). New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor. |
public.raster |
tab pg_catalog.regclass, col name, ext public.geometry, sfx double precision, sfy double precision, tw integer, th integer, algo text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text |
postgres |
args: tab, col, ext, sfx, sfy, tw, th, algo='NearestNeighbor' - Return a set of configured tiles from an arbitrarily tiled raster coverage. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Returns the geometry with vertex order reversed. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, rotRadians - Rotate a geometry rotRadians counter-clockwise about an origin. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, rotRadians, x0, y0 - Rotate a geometry rotRadians counter-clockwise about an origin. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, rotRadians, pointOrigin - Rotate a geometry rotRadians counter-clockwise about an origin. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, rotRadians - Rotate a geometry rotRadians about the X axis. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, rotRadians - Rotate a geometry rotRadians about the Y axis. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, rotRadians - Rotate a geometry rotRadians about the Z axis. |
double precision |
public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast - Returns the rotation of the raster in radian. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, customextent public.raster, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rastA, rastB - Returns true if rasters have same skew, scale, spatial ref, and offset (pixels can be put on same grid without cutting into pixels) and false if they dont with notice detailing issue. |
boolean |
ulx1 double precision, uly1 double precision, scalex1 double precision, scaley1 double precision, skewx1 double precision, skewy1 double precision, ulx2 double precision, uly2 double precision, scalex2 double precision, scaley2 double precision, skewx2 double precision, skewy2 double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: ulx1, uly1, scalex1, scaley1, skewx1, skewy1, ulx2, uly2, scalex2, scaley2, skewx2, skewy2 - Returns true if rasters have same skew, scale, spatial ref, and offset (pixels can be put on same grid without cutting into pixels) and false if they dont with notice detailing issue. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, XFactor, YFactor - Scales the geometry to a new size by multiplying the ordinates with the parameters. Ie: ST_Scale(geom, Xfactor, Yfactor, Zfactor). |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, XFactor, YFactor, ZFactor - Scales the geometry to a new size by multiplying the ordinates with the parameters. Ie: ST_Scale(geom, Xfactor, Yfactor, Zfactor). |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, factor - Scales the geometry to a new size by multiplying the ordinates with the parameters. Ie: ST_Scale(geom, Xfactor, Yfactor, Zfactor). |
double precision |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the X component of the pixel width in units of coordinate reference system. |
double precision |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the Y component of the pixel height in units of coordinate reference system. |
public.geography |
geog public.geography, max_segment_length double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: geog, max_segment_length - Return a modified geometry/geography having no segment longer than the given distance. Distance computation is performed in 2d only. For geometry, length units are in units of spatial reference. For geography, units are in meters. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, max_segment_length - Return a modified geometry/geography having no segment longer than the given distance. Distance computation is performed in 2d only. For geometry, length units are in units of spatial reference. For geography, units are in meters. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, band integer = 1 |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, band=1 - Sets the isnodata flag of the band to TRUE. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, band integer, nodatavalue double precision, forcechecking boolean = false |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, band, nodatavalue, forcechecking=false - Sets the value for the given band that represents no data. Band 1 is assumed if no band is specified. To mark a band as having no nodata value, set the nodata value = NULL. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nodatavalue double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nodatavalue - Sets the value for the given band that represents no data. Band 1 is assumed if no band is specified. To mark a band as having no nodata value, set the nodata value = NULL. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision = '-1'::integer, integer = 1 |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, threshold = 0, set_area = 1 - Sets the effective area for each vertex, storing the value in the M ordinate. A simplified geometry can then be generated by filtering on the M ordinate. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, georef text, format text = 'GDAL'::text |
postgres |
args: rast, georefcoords, format=GDAL - Set Georeference 6 georeference parameters in a single call. Numbers should be separated by white space. Accepts inputs in GDAL or ESRI format. Default is GDAL. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, upperleftx double precision, upperlefty double precision, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, skewx double precision, skewy double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, upperleftx, upperlefty, scalex, scaley, skewx, skewy - Set Georeference 6 georeference parameters in a single call. Numbers should be separated by white space. Accepts inputs in GDAL or ESRI format. Default is GDAL. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, imag double precision, jmag double precision, theta_i double precision, theta_ij double precision, xoffset double precision, yoffset double precision |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer, public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: linestring, zerobasedposition, point - Replace point N of linestring with given point. Index is 0-based. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, rotation double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, rotation - Set the rotation of the raster in radian. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, scale double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, xy - Sets the X and Y size of pixels in units of coordinate reference system. Number units/pixel width/height. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, scalex double precision, scaley double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, x, y - Sets the X and Y size of pixels in units of coordinate reference system. Number units/pixel width/height. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, skew double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, skewxy - Sets the georeference X and Y skew (or rotation parameter). If only one is passed in, sets X and Y to the same value. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, skewx double precision, skewy double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, skewx, skewy - Sets the georeference X and Y skew (or rotation parameter). If only one is passed in, sets X and Y to the same value. |
public.geography |
geog public.geography, srid integer |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, srid - Sets the SRID on a geometry to a particular integer value. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, srid integer |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, srid - Sets the SRID of a raster to a particular integer srid defined in the spatial_ref_sys table. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, upperleftx double precision, upperlefty double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, x, y - Sets the value of the upper left corner of the pixel to projected X and Y coordinates. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, band integer, x integer, y integer, newvalue double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, bandnum, columnx, rowy, newvalue - Returns modified raster resulting from setting the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or the pixels that intersect a particular geometry. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, geom public.geometry, newvalue double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, geom, newvalue - Returns modified raster resulting from setting the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or the pixels that intersect a particular geometry. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, geom public.geometry, newvalue double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, bandnum, geom, newvalue - Returns modified raster resulting from setting the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or the pixels that intersect a particular geometry. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, x integer, y integer, newvalue double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, columnx, rowy, newvalue - Returns modified raster resulting from setting the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or the pixels that intersect a particular geometry. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, geomvalset public.geomval [], keepnodata boolean = false |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, nband, geomvalset, keepnodata=FALSE - Returns modified raster resulting from setting the values of a given band. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, x integer, y integer, newvalueset double precision [], noset boolean [] = NULL::boolean[], keepnodata boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, columnx, rowy, newvalueset, noset=NULL, keepnodata=FALSE - Returns modified raster resulting from setting the values of a given band. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, x integer, y integer, newvalueset double precision [], nosetvalue double precision, keepnodata boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, columnx, rowy, newvalueset, nosetvalue, keepnodata=FALSE - Returns modified raster resulting from setting the values of a given band. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, x integer, y integer, width integer, height integer, newvalue double precision, keepnodata boolean = false |
postgres |
args: rast, nband, columnx, rowy, width, height, newvalue, keepnodata=FALSE - Returns modified raster resulting from setting the values of a given band. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, x integer, y integer, width integer, height integer, newvalue double precision, keepnodata boolean = false |
postgres |
args: rast, columnx, rowy, width, height, newvalue, keepnodata=FALSE - Returns modified raster resulting from setting the values of a given band. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: lineal1, lineal2 - Returns a collection containing paths shared by the two input linestrings/multilinestrings. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Reads every point/vertex in every component of every feature in a geometry, and if the longitude coordinate is <0, adds 360 to it. The result would be a 0-360 version of the data to be plotted in a 180 centric map |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2 - Returns the 2-dimensional shortest line between two geometries |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, boolean |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, tolerance, preserveCollapsed - Returns a "simplified" version of the given geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, tolerance - Returns a "simplified" version of the given geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. Will avoid creating derived geometries (polygons in particular) that are invalid. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, tolerance - Returns a "simplified" version of the given geometry using the Visvalingam-Whyatt algorithm |
double precision |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the georeference X skew (or rotation parameter). |
double precision |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the georeference Y skew (or rotation parameter). |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, customextent public.raster, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, units text = 'DEGREES'::text, scale double precision = 1.0, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, units text = 'DEGREES'::text, scale double precision = 1.0, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: input, reference, tolerance - Snap segments and vertices of input geometry to vertices of a reference geometry. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, pointOrigin, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, sizeM - Snap all points of the input geometry to a regular grid. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, size - Snap all points of the input geometry to a regular grid. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, sizeX, sizeY - Snap all points of the input geometry to a regular grid. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, originX, originY, sizeX, sizeY - Snap all points of the input geometry to a regular grid. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, gridx double precision, gridy double precision, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125, scalex double precision = 0, scaley double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, gridx, gridy, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125, scalex=DEFAULT 0, scaley=DEFAULT 0 - Resample a raster by snapping it to a grid. New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, gridx double precision, gridy double precision, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, gridx, gridy, scalex, scaley, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster by snapping it to a grid. New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, gridx double precision, gridy double precision, scalexy double precision, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, gridx, gridy, scalexy, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster by snapping it to a grid. New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: input, blade - Returns a collection of geometries resulting by splitting a geometry. |
integer |
geog public.geography |
postgres |
c |
integer |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1 - Returns the spatial reference identifier for the ST_Geometry as defined in spatial_ref_sys table. |
integer |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the spatial reference identifier of the raster as defined in spatial_ref_sys table. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Returns the first point of a LINESTRING geometry as a POINT. |
double precision |
matrix double precision [], nodatamode text, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
geom public.geometry, maxvertices integer = 256 |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, max_vertices=256 - Returns a set of geometry where no geometry in the set has more than the specified number of vertices. |
double precision |
matrix double precision [], nodatamode text, variadic args text [] |
postgres |
double precision |
value double precision [], pos integer [], variadic userargs text [] = NULL::text[] |
postgres |
text |
public.geography |
postgres |
c |
args: g - Returns a text summary of the contents of the geometry. |
text |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g - Returns a text summary of the contents of the geometry. |
text |
rast public.raster |
postgres |
args: rast - Returns a text summary of the contents of the raster. |
public.summarystats |
rast public.raster, exclude_nodata_value boolean |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, exclude_nodata_value - Returns summarystats consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a raster or raster coverage. Band 1 is assumed is no band is specified. |
public.summarystats |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, exclude_nodata_value - Returns summarystats consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a raster or raster coverage. Band 1 is assumed is no band is specified. |
public.summarystats |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, exclude_nodata_value boolean |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, exclude_nodata_value - Returns summarystats consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a raster or raster coverage. Band 1 is assumed is no band is specified. |
public.summarystats |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns summarystats consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a raster or raster coverage. Band 1 is assumed is no band is specified. |
public.geometry |
geom public.geometry, ords pg_catalog.cstring |
postgres |
c |
args: geom, ords - Returns a version of the given geometry with given ordinate values swapped. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA, geomB - Returns a geometry that represents the portions of A and B that do not intersect. It is called a symmetric difference because ST_SymDifference(A,B) = ST_SymDifference(B,A). |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer [], width integer, height integer, padwithnodata boolean = false, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, width, height, padwithnodata=FALSE, nodataval=NULL - Returns a set of rasters resulting from the split of the input raster based upon the desired dimensions of the output rasters. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, width integer, height integer, padwithnodata boolean = false, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, width, height, padwithnodata=FALSE, nodataval=NULL - Returns a set of rasters resulting from the split of the input raster based upon the desired dimensions of the output rasters. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, width integer, height integer, padwithnodata boolean = false, nodataval double precision = NULL::double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, width, height, padwithnodata=FALSE, nodataval=NULL - Returns a set of rasters resulting from the split of the input raster based upon the desired dimensions of the output rasters. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, g2 - Returns TRUE if the geometries have at least one point in common, but their interiors do not intersect. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if raster rastA and rastB have at least one point in common but their interiors do not intersect. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, rastB - Return true if raster rastA and rastB have at least one point in common but their interiors do not intersect. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, customextent public.raster, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, integer |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, srid - Returns a new geometry with its coordinates transformed to the SRID referenced by the integer parameter. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, alignto public.raster, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
args: rast, alignto, algorithm=NearestNeighbor, maxerr=0.125 - Reprojects a raster in a known spatial reference system to another known spatial reference system using specified resampling algorithm. Options are NearestNeighbor, Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline, Lanczos defaulting to NearestNeighbor. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, srid integer, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125, scalex double precision = 0, scaley double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, srid, algorithm=NearestNeighbor, maxerr=0.125, scalex, scaley - Reprojects a raster in a known spatial reference system to another known spatial reference system using specified resampling algorithm. Options are NearestNeighbor, Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline, Lanczos defaulting to NearestNeighbor. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, srid integer, scalex double precision, scaley double precision, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, srid, scalex, scaley, algorithm=NearestNeighbor, maxerr=0.125 - Reprojects a raster in a known spatial reference system to another known spatial reference system using specified resampling algorithm. Options are NearestNeighbor, Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline, Lanczos defaulting to NearestNeighbor. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, srid integer, scalexy double precision, algorithm text = 'NearestNeighbour'::text, maxerr double precision = 0.125 |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, deltax, deltay - Translates the geometry to a new location using the numeric parameters as offsets. Ie: ST_Translate(geom, X, Y) or ST_Translate(geom, X, Y,Z). |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: g1, deltax, deltay, deltaz - Translates the geometry to a new location using the numeric parameters as offsets. Ie: ST_Translate(geom, X, Y) or ST_Translate(geom, X, Y,Z). |
public.geometry |
public.geometry, double precision, double precision, double precision, double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: geomA, deltaX, deltaY, XFactor, YFactor - Translates the geometry using the deltaX and deltaY args, then scales it using the XFactor, YFactor args, working in 2D only. |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer, customextent public.raster, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
public.raster |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, pixeltype text = '32BF'::text, interpolate_nodata boolean = false |
postgres |
sql |
public.geometry |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geom - Like ST_Union, but working at the geometry component level. |
public.geometry |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: g1, g2 - Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the Geometries. |
public.geometry |
public.geometry [] |
postgres |
c |
args: g1_array - Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the Geometries. |
double precision |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the upper left X coordinate of raster in projected spatial ref. |
double precision |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the upper left Y coordinate of raster in projected spatial ref. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, band integer, pt public.geometry, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
args: rast, bandnum, pt, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or at a particular geometric point. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified. If exclude_nodata_value is set to false, then all pixels include nodata pixels are considered to intersect and return value. If exclude_nodata_value is not passed in then reads it from metadata of raster. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, band integer, x integer, y integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
c |
args: rast, bandnum, columnx, rowy, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or at a particular geometric point. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified. If exclude_nodata_value is set to false, then all pixels include nodata pixels are considered to intersect and return value. If exclude_nodata_value is not passed in then reads it from metadata of raster. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, pt public.geometry, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, pt, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or at a particular geometric point. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified. If exclude_nodata_value is set to false, then all pixels include nodata pixels are considered to intersect and return value. If exclude_nodata_value is not passed in then reads it from metadata of raster. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, x integer, y integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, columnx, rowy, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or at a particular geometric point. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified. If exclude_nodata_value is set to false, then all pixels include nodata pixels are considered to intersect and return value. If exclude_nodata_value is not passed in then reads it from metadata of raster. |
integer |
rast public.raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, exclude_nodata_value, searchvalue, roundto=0 - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, searchvalues double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out count integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true, searchvalues=NULL, roundto=0, OUT value, OUT count - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
integer |
rast public.raster, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, searchvalue, roundto=0 - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, searchvalues double precision [], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out count integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, nband, searchvalues, roundto=0, OUT value, OUT count - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
integer |
rast public.raster, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, searchvalue, roundto=0 - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
record |
rast public.raster, searchvalues double precision [], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out count integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, searchvalues, roundto=0, OUT value, OUT count - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
integer |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband, exclude_nodata_value, searchvalue, roundto=0 - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, searchvalues double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out count integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true, searchvalues=NULL, roundto=0, OUT value, OUT count - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
integer |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband, searchvalue, roundto=0 - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalues double precision [], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out count integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband, searchvalues, roundto=0, OUT value, OUT count - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
integer |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, searchvalue, roundto=0 - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalues double precision [], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out count integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastertable, rastercolumn, searchvalues, roundto=0, OUT value, OUT count - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer. |
double precision |
rast public.raster, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, searchvalues double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rast public.raster, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, nband integer, searchvalues double precision [], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rast public.raster, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rast public.raster, searchvalues double precision [], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, exclude_nodata_value boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer = 1, exclude_nodata_value boolean = true, searchvalues double precision [] = NULL::double precision[], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalues double precision [], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision = 0 |
postgres |
sql |
record |
rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalues double precision [], roundto double precision = 0, out value double precision, out percent double precision |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
public.raster |
postgres |
c |
args: rast - Returns the width of the raster in pixels. |
boolean |
geom1 public.geometry, geom2 public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: A, B - Returns true if the geometry A is completely inside geometry B |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, nband1 integer, rast2 public.raster, nband2 integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if no points of raster rastA lie in the exterior of raster rastB and at least one point of the interior of rastA lies in the interior of rastB. |
boolean |
rast1 public.raster, rast2 public.raster |
postgres |
sql |
args: rastA, rastB - Return true if no points of raster rastA lie in the exterior of raster rastB and at least one point of the interior of rastA lies in the interior of rastB. |
public.geometry |
wkb bytea |
postgres |
c |
args: WKB - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Well-Known Binary representation (WKB). This is an alias name for ST_GeomFromWKB that takes no srid |
public.geometry |
text |
postgres |
c |
args: WKT - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Well-Known Text representation (WKT). This is an alias name for ST_GeomFromText |
record |
rast public.raster, longitude double precision, latitude double precision, out columnx integer, out rowy integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, longitude, latitude - Returns the upper left corner as column and row given geometric X and Y (longitude and latitude) or a point geometry expressed in the spatial reference coordinate system of the raster. |
record |
rast public.raster, pt public.geometry, out columnx integer, out rowy integer |
postgres |
args: rast, pt - Returns the upper left corner as column and row given geometric X and Y (longitude and latitude) or a point geometry expressed in the spatial reference coordinate system of the raster. |
integer |
rast public.raster, pt public.geometry |
postgres |
args: rast, pt - Returns the column in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw) represented in world spatial reference system of raster. |
integer |
rast public.raster, xw double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, xw - Returns the column in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw) represented in world spatial reference system of raster. |
integer |
rast public.raster, xw double precision, yw double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, xw, yw - Returns the column in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw) represented in world spatial reference system of raster. |
integer |
rast public.raster, pt public.geometry |
postgres |
args: rast, pt - Returns the row in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw) represented in world spatial reference system of raster. |
integer |
rast public.raster, xw double precision, yw double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, xw, yw - Returns the row in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw) represented in world spatial reference system of raster. |
integer |
rast public.raster, yw double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: rast, xw - Returns the row in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw) represented in world spatial reference system of raster. |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_point - Return the X coordinate of the point, or NULL if not available. Input must be a point. |
double precision |
public.box3d |
postgres |
c |
args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns X maxima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry. |
double precision |
public.box3d |
postgres |
c |
args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns X minima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry. |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_point - Return the Y coordinate of the point, or NULL if not available. Input must be a point. |
double precision |
public.box3d |
postgres |
c |
args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns Y maxima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry. |
double precision |
public.box3d |
postgres |
c |
args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns Y minima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry. |
double precision |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: a_point - Return the Z coordinate of the point, or NULL if not available. Input must be a point. |
double precision |
public.box3d |
postgres |
c |
args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns Z minima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry. |
smallint |
public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: geomA - Returns ZM (dimension semantic) flag of the geometries as a small int. Values are: 0=2d, 1=3dm, 2=3dz, 3=4d. |
double precision |
public.box3d |
postgres |
c |
args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns Z minima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry. |
integer |
text |
postgres |
args: auth_token - Remove all locks held by specified authorization id. Returns the number of locks released. |
text |
catalogn_name varchar, schema_name varchar, table_name varchar, column_name varchar, new_srid_in integer |
postgres |
args: catalog_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name, srid - Updates the SRID of all features in a geometry column, geometry_columns metadata and srid. If it was enforced with constraints, the constraints will be updated with new srid constraint. If the old was enforced by type definition, the type definition will be changed. |
boolean |
schema_name name, table_name name, column_name name, new_srid integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: schema_name, table_name, column_name, new_srid - Change the SRID of all rasters in the user-specified column and table. |
boolean |
table_name name, column_name name, new_srid integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: table_name, column_name, new_srid - Change the SRID of all rasters in the user-specified column and table. |
text |
edge_id integer, start_node integer, end_node integer, line public.geometry, visitedtable pg_catalog.regclass, nsprefix_in text, prec integer, options integer, idprefix text, gmlver integer |
postgres |
text |
toponame text, face_id integer, visitedtable pg_catalog.regclass, nsprefix_in text, prec integer, options integer, idprefix text, gmlver integer |
postgres |
text |
id integer, point public.geometry, nsprefix_in text, prec integer, options integer, idprefix text, gmlver integer |
postgres |
integer |
atopology varchar, anedge integer, oface integer, mbr_only boolean |
postgres |
integer [] |
atopology varchar, anode integer, anedge integer |
postgres |
double precision |
ageom public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
double precision |
atopology varchar, ageom public.geometry |
postgres |
integer |
atopology varchar, aline public.geometry |
postgres |
args: toponame, aline - Adds a linestring edge to the edge table and associated start and end points to the point nodes table of the specified topology schema using the specified linestring geometry and returns the edgeid of the new (or existing) edge. |
integer |
atopology varchar, apoly public.geometry, force_new boolean = false |
postgres |
args: toponame, apolygon, force_new=false - Registers a face primitive to a topology and gets its identifier. |
integer |
atopology varchar, apoint public.geometry |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
atopology varchar, apoint public.geometry, allowedgesplitting boolean, setcontainingface boolean = false |
postgres |
args: toponame, apoint, allowEdgeSplitting=false, computeContainingFace=false - Adds a point node to the node table in the specified topology schema and returns the nodeid of new node. If point already exists as node, the existing nodeid is returned. |
integer |
toponame varchar, schema varchar, tbl varchar, col varchar, ltype varchar, child integer |
postgres |
args: topology_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name, feature_type, child_layer - Adds a topogeometry column to an existing table, registers this new column as a layer in topology.layer and returns the new layer_id. |
integer |
varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar |
postgres |
sql |
args: topology_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name, feature_type - Adds a topogeometry column to an existing table, registers this new column as a layer in topology.layer and returns the new layer_id. |
text |
a_schema_name varchar |
postgres |
text |
tg topology.topogeometry |
postgres |
sql |
args: tg - Returns the GML representation of a topogeometry. |
text |
tg topology.topogeometry, nsprefix text |
postgres |
sql |
args: tg, nsprefix_in - Returns the GML representation of a topogeometry. |
text |
tg topology.topogeometry, nsprefix text, prec integer, options integer, vis pg_catalog.regclass |
postgres |
sql |
args: tg, nsprefix_in, precision, options, visitedTable - Returns the GML representation of a topogeometry. |
text |
tg topology.topogeometry, nsprefix text, prec integer, options integer, visitedtable pg_catalog.regclass, idprefix text |
postgres |
sql |
args: tg, nsprefix_in, precision, options, visitedTable, idprefix - Returns the GML representation of a topogeometry. |
text |
tg topology.topogeometry, nsprefix text, prec integer, opts integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: tg, nsprefix_in, precision, options - Returns the GML representation of a topogeometry. |
text |
tg topology.topogeometry, nsprefix_in text, precision_in integer, options_in integer, visitedtable pg_catalog.regclass, idprefix text, gmlver integer |
postgres |
args: tg, nsprefix_in, precision, options, visitedTable, idprefix, gmlversion - Returns the GML representation of a topogeometry. |
text |
tg topology.topogeometry, visitedtable pg_catalog.regclass |
postgres |
sql |
args: tg, visitedTable - Returns the GML representation of a topogeometry. |
text |
tg topology.topogeometry, visitedtable pg_catalog.regclass, nsprefix text |
postgres |
sql |
args: tg, visitedTable, nsprefix - Returns the GML representation of a topogeometry. |
text |
tg topology.topogeometry, edgemaptable pg_catalog.regclass |
postgres |
args: tg, edgeMapTable - Returns the TopoJSON representation of a topogeometry. |
topology.topogeometry |
tg topology.topogeometry |
postgres |
args: topogeom - Clears the content of a topo geometry |
integer |
atopology varchar, newtopo varchar |
postgres |
args: existing_topology_name, new_name - Makes a copy of a topology structure (nodes, edges, faces, layers and TopoGeometries). |
topology.topogeometry |
toponame varchar, tg_type integer, layer_id integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: toponame, tg_type, layer_id - Creates a new topo geometry object from topo element array - tg_type: 1:[multi]point, 2:[multi]line, 3:[multi]poly, 4:collection |
topology.topogeometry |
toponame varchar, tg_type integer, layer_id integer, in tg_objs topology.topoelementarray |
postgres |
args: toponame, tg_type, layer_id, tg_objs - Creates a new topo geometry object from topo element array - tg_type: 1:[multi]point, 2:[multi]line, 3:[multi]poly, 4:collection |
integer |
atopology varchar, srid integer, prec double precision, hasz boolean |
postgres |
args: topology_schema_name, srid, tolerance, hasz - Creates a new topology schema and registers this new schema in the topology.topology table. |
integer |
toponame varchar, srid integer, prec double precision |
postgres |
sql |
args: topology_schema_name, srid, tolerance - Creates a new topology schema and registers this new schema in the topology.topology table. |
integer |
varchar |
postgres |
sql |
args: topology_schema_name - Creates a new topology schema and registers this new schema in the topology.topology table. |
integer |
varchar, integer |
postgres |
sql |
args: topology_schema_name, srid - Creates a new topology schema and registers this new schema in the topology.topology table. |
text |
schema varchar, tbl varchar, col varchar |
postgres |
args: schema_name, table_name, column_name - Drops the topogeometry column from the table named table_name in schema schema_name and unregisters the columns from topology.layer table. |
text |
atopology varchar |
postgres |
args: topology_schema_name - Use with caution: Drops a topology schema and deletes its reference from topology.topology table and references to tables in that schema from the geometry_columns table. |
boolean |
tg1 topology.topogeometry, tg2 topology.topogeometry |
postgres |
args: tg1, tg2 - Returns true if two topogeometries are composed of the same topology primitives. |
public.geometry |
topogeom topology.topogeometry |
postgres |
text |
tg topology.topogeometry |
postgres |
sql |
integer |
atopology varchar, apoint public.geometry, tol1 double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, apoint, tol - Find the edge-id of an edge that intersects a given point |
integer |
atopology varchar, apoint public.geometry, tol1 double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, apoint, tol - Find the face-id of a face that intersects a given point |
integer |
atopology varchar, apoint public.geometry, tol1 double precision |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, point, tol - Find the id of a node at a point location |
topology.getfaceedges_returntype |
atopology varchar, anode integer |
postgres |
args: atopology, anode - Returns an ordered set of edges incident to the given node. |
topology.getfaceedges_returntype |
atopology varchar, anedge integer, maxedges integer = NULL::integer |
postgres |
args: atopology, aring, max_edges=null - Returns the ordered set of signed edge identifiers met by walking on ana given edge side. |
tg topology.topogeometry |
postgres |
args: tg - Returns a topoelementarray (an array of topoelements) containing the topological elements and type of the given TopoGeometry (primitive elements) |
toponame varchar, layer_id integer, tgid integer |
postgres |
args: toponame, layer_id, tg_id - Returns a topoelementarray (an array of topoelements) containing the topological elements and type of the given TopoGeometry (primitive elements) |
tg topology.topogeometry |
postgres |
args: tg - Returns a set of topoelement objects containing the topological element_id,element_type of the given TopoGeometry (primitive elements) |
toponame varchar, layerid integer, tgid integer |
postgres |
args: toponame, layer_id, tg_id - Returns a set of topoelement objects containing the topological element_id,element_type of the given TopoGeometry (primitive elements) |
integer |
toponame varchar |
postgres |
args: toponame - Returns the SRID of a topology in the topology.topology table given the name of the topology. |
varchar |
topoid integer |
postgres |
args: topology_id - Returns the name of a topology (schema) given the id of the topology. |
integer |
toponame varchar |
postgres |
sql |
boolean |
tg1 topology.topogeometry, tg2 topology.topogeometry |
postgres |
args: tg1, tg2 - Returns true if any pair of primitives from thetwo topogeometries intersect. |
trigger |
postgres |
text |
toponame varchar |
postgres |
args: toponame - Find and register all faces defined by topology edges |
text |
postgres |
sql |
trigger |
postgres |
integer |
atopology varchar, anode integer, anothernode integer, acurve public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anode, anothernode, acurve - Add a new edge and, if in doing so it splits a face, modify the original face and add a new face. |
integer |
atopology varchar, anode integer, anothernode integer, acurve public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anode, anothernode, acurve - Add a new edge and, if in doing so it splits a face, delete the original face and replace it with two new faces. |
integer |
atopology varchar, anode integer, anothernode integer, acurve public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anode, anothernode, alinestring - Adds an isolated edge defined by geometry alinestring to a topology connecting two existing isolated nodes anode and anothernode and returns the edge id of the new edge. |
integer |
atopology varchar, aface integer, apoint public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, aface, apoint - Adds an isolated node to a face in a topology and returns the nodeid of the new node. If face is null, the node is still created. |
text |
atopology varchar, anedge integer, acurve public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anedge, acurve - Changes the shape of an edge without affecting the topology structure. |
text |
atopology varchar, acollection public.geometry |
postgres |
args: atopology, acollection - Adds a collection of geometries to a given empty topology and returns a message detailing success. |
text |
tg topology.topogeometry |
postgres |
sql |
topology.getfaceedges_returntype |
toponame varchar, face_id integer |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, aface - Returns a set of ordered edges that bound aface. |
public.geometry |
toponame varchar, aface integer |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, aface - Returns the polygon in the given topology with the specified face id. |
text |
atopology varchar |
postgres |
args: topology_schema_name - Creates a new topology schema and registers this new schema in the topology.topology table and details summary of process. |
integer |
toponame varchar, e1id integer, e2id integer |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anedge, anotheredge - Heal two edges by deleting the node connecting them, modifying the first edgeand deleting the second edge. Returns the id of the deleted node. |
integer |
atopology varchar, anedge integer, apoint public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anedge, apoint - Split an edge by creating a new node along an existing edge, modifying the original edge and adding a new edge. |
text |
atopology varchar, anode integer, apoint public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anedge, apoint - Moves an isolated node in a topology from one point to another. If new apoint geometry exists as a node an error is thrown. REturns description of move. |
integer |
toponame varchar, e1id integer, e2id integer |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anedge, anotheredge - Heal two edges by deleting the node connecting them, deleting both edges,and replacing them with an edge whose direction is the same as the firstedge provided. |
integer |
atopology varchar, anedge integer, apoint public.geometry |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anedge, apoint - Split an edge by creating a new node along an existing edge, deleting the original edge and replacing it with two new edges. Returns the id of the new node created that joins the new edges. |
integer |
toponame varchar, e1id integer |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anedge - Removes an edge and, if the removed edge separated two faces,delete one of the them and modify the other to take the space of both. |
integer |
toponame varchar, e1id integer |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anedge - Removes an edge and, if the removed edge separated two faces,delete the original faces and replace them with a new face. |
text |
varchar, integer |
postgres |
c |
text |
atopology varchar, anedge integer |
postgres |
c |
text |
atopology varchar, anode integer |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, anode - Removes an isolated node and returns description of action. If the node is not isolated (is start or end of an edge), then an exception is thrown. |
public.geometry |
tg topology.topogeometry, tolerance double precision |
postgres |
args: geomA, tolerance - Returns a "simplified" geometry version of the given TopoGeometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. |
postgres |
sql |
void |
atopology varchar, ageom public.geometry, tolerance double precision = 0 |
postgres |
integer |
atopology varchar, aline public.geometry, tolerance double precision = 0 |
postgres |
c |
args: toponame, aline, tolerance - Adds a linestring to an existing topology using a tolerance and possibly splitting existing edges/faces. Returns edge identifiers |
integer |
atopology varchar, apoint public.geometry, tolerance double precision = 0 |
postgres |
c |
args: toponame, apoint, tolerance - Adds a point to an existing topology using a tolerance and possibly splitting an existing edge. |
integer |
atopology varchar, apoly public.geometry, tolerance double precision = 0 |
postgres |
c |
args: atopology, apoly, atolerance - Adds a polygon to an existing topology using a tolerance and possibly splitting existing edges/faces. |
text |
atopology varchar |
postgres |
args: topology_schema_name - Takes a topology name and provides summary totals of types of objects in topology |
topology.topogeometry |
ageom public.geometry, atopology varchar, alayer integer, atolerance double precision = 0 |
postgres |
args: geom, toponame, layer_id, tolerance - Converts a simple Geometry into a topo geometry |
topology.topogeometry |
ageom public.geometry, tg topology.topogeometry, atolerance double precision = 0 |
postgres |
args: geom, topogeom, tolerance - Converts a simple Geometry into a topo geometry |
topology.validatetopology_returntype |
toponame varchar |
postgres |
args: topology_schema_name - Returns a set of validatetopology_returntype objects detailing issues with topology |
This file was generated with SQL Manager for PostgreSQL ( at 13/03/2014 13:23 |
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