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Defining the meteorological variables

Climate variables that influence water balance are routinely measured on national synoptic networks such as Météo-France and by other comprehensive networks (INRA, RENECOFOR and the six French public Water Agencies).
The variables required to run the Biljou© online modelling tool are the following (see details for instructions for using the online tool) :

Defining potential evapotranspiration (PET)

Agronomists have developed the concept called potential evapotranspiration or PET (expressed in, which is a climate index used to quantify the amount of evaporation that would occur if a sufficient water source were available or the evaporative demand. PET is used in water balance models to calculate the actual evapotranspiration or AET (see the page Water balance).

A variety of formulas exist for calculating PET, each offering a different approach:

For forests, the Penman formula is considered the reference for calculating PET. It is easily adapts calculations for all geographic locations, all climates (historical data and future projections) and all cover types (deciduous / coniferous and varied LAI). All functions in the model Biljou© were calibrated using the Penman ETP. Use of formulas other than PET calculated by Biljou© would lead to biased results.

How are meteorological variables measured?

The table and the illustrations below show the different equipment that are commonly used to measure weather variables:

Probes for measuring temperature and air humidity

Probes for measuring temperature and air humidity

Automatic rain gauge

Automatic rain gauge
variablemeasuring device
global radiationpyranometer
net radiationpyrradiometer
temperaturethermometer, thermistor, thermocouple
air humiditycapacitive sensors
wind speedanemometer (cups or sonic)
precipitationrain gauge

3D sonic anemometer

3D sonic anemometer





Useful reference

Badeau V, Ulrich E (2008) RENECOFOR - Etude critique de faisabilité sur : la comparabilité des données météorologiques « RENECOFOR » avec celles de Météo France, l’estimation de la réserve utile en eau du sol et le calcul des volumes d’eau drainée en vue du calcul de bilans minéraux sur les placettes du sous-réseau CATAENAT. Editeur : Office National des Forêts, Direction Technique et Commercial Bois, ISBN 978 – 2 – 84207 – 323 – 7, 108 p. et 166 pages annexes.

Peiffer M, Badeau V, Bréda N, Ulrich E (2008) RENECOFOR-Monitoring local forest weather conditions (France and Luxemburg)-report for 1995-2004. RENECOFOR-suivi de la météorologie forestière locale (France et Grand-Duché de Luxembourg). Bilan de la période 1995-2004. Editeur : Office National des Forêts, Direction Technique et Commercial Bois, ISBN 978 – 2 – 84207 – 325 – 1, 313 p.

Allen R G, Pereira L S, Raes D, Smith M ( 1998) Crop evapotranspiration - Guidelines for computing crop water requirements - FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 56. Water Resources, Development and Management Service FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 1998.

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